Quote: " Enemies must be dark-ai as well , Nut Bag"
@Mr illustionest, Was "Nut Bag" a spelling error? Hahahahaha!!!
@Nut Bug, this is taken from the Manual:
By Lee Bamber
Characters have new powers of intellect thanks to the introduction of DarkAI into FPSC, and with a few tweaks to their properties can become allies, enemies, neutral or grouped into factions. They also have enhanced path finding skills and an increased sense of survival and combat. Below is a step by step procedure to activating a character to use the new DarkAI system:
1. Start the software with a blank level with a simple floor
2. Click Add New Entity and select SCIFI / CHARACTERS / AI (Shotgun)
3. Add this character to your level twice, some distance from each other
4. Right click the first character and change the appear AI script from appear1.fpi to Dark AI/ appear-ally-team1.fpi and change the main AI script from People/Pace10.fpi to Dark AI/ main-weapon.fpi
5. Also delete the shoot AI script entry as this is not used by the above scripts
6. Finally click Apply Changes to finish configuring this new AI Ally character
7. Repeat steps 4-6 with the second character, but instead of choosing appear-ally-team1.fpi you chose appear-enemy-team1.fpi
8. You can now run the test game, run up to the Ally, press G to recruit and attack the enemy.
You should read through the manual, it can help a great deal with getting to know FPSC and its capabilities! Well, hope that helps!