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iOS and MacOS / Bugs in AGK with non-english path...

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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 22:01
Bugs in AppGameKit with non-english path to media files:

1) only on PC:
path to sounds on Russian lang - work, BUT path to musics on Russian lang - NOT work.

2) only on iOS:
if create project name on Russian lang - AppGameKit not found all media files in resources!!!

How to solve this BIG problem?

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 22:10 Edited at: 8th Oct 2012 22:11
Are you running directly on your iOS device or are you using a Player?

Assuming running directly on the device, are you sure that you are using exactly the same path and file names? This specifically applies to the letter case: Big.wav and big.wav are two different files everywhere but on Windows.

Also any spaces in the paths or file names may be a problem as well.

A sample of the code you are using that doesn't work would help.

EDIT: And, assuming running from Xcode, did you add all of the paths and files to the Resources folder in your project?

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 22:17
Quote: "Are you running directly on your iOS device or are you using a Player?"

directly on my iPads 2 with 5.1 and 6.0

Quote: "Also any spaces in the paths or file names may be a problem as well."

non space in filenames

Quote: "And, assuming running from Xcode, did you add all of the paths and files to the Resources folder in your project?"

yes, I add all of the paths and files to the Resource folder in my project

english path - work, only russian name game - no work...

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 22:30
Can you give examples of the paths and/or file names that are not working?

How do you select Russian or English in your app? Can you show us the code?

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 22:40
Quote: "Can you give examples of the paths and/or file names that are not working?"

"Data" in "Resources" Xcode.

Quote: "How do you select Russian or English in your app?"

no select: game only on Russian. When Project Name in Xcode on English - work, when project name on Russian - not work.

At about the same everywhere:

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 22:51
Quote: ""Data" in "Resources" Xcode."

And you can drill down in the Xcode project (not a file manager) under Resources/Data and see all of the directories and files listed?

Quote: "When Project Name in Xcode on English - work, when project name on Russian - not work."

So only the name of the Xcode project file is changed from English to Russian, not any of the actual files used in the app?

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 22:58
Quote: "And you can drill down in the Xcode project (not a file manager) under Resources/Data and see all of the directories and files listed?"


Quote: "So only the name of the Xcode project file is changed from English to Russian, not any of the actual files used in the app?"

yes, only name in Xcode

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 23:07
What is the name you are setting your xcode project to?

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 23:21

Product Name:

On English:
Release: Mathematics

On Russian:
Release: Математика

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 23:37
This is not an issue for AGK. It is an Xcode/Apple issue.

Maybe someone with the Apple iOS Developer program can help you with this?

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 8th Oct 2012 23:48
Write them

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 9th Oct 2012 00:11
Good luck!

If you get this resolved, it might be useful to others doing non-english games.

Happy Programming!

Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester

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