I just saw the v1.19 page here in the forums
and I saw these codes:
* Thanks to The Zombie Killer for helping improve the anti-hacking featues of the FPSC Editor
WASP - Official V1 additions
playfullvideo=x – X=1, plays the full version of the next video called by video=x, preventing the player interrupting the playback.
plrwobble=x – sets the amount of 'wobble' affecting the player as they move around.
plrdeath=x –where X equal the direction of fall for the player
X=1 Fall left
X=2 Fall right
X=3 Fall forward
X=4 Fall backwards
X=5 Fall randomly
plrdeathspeed=x where x is the speed of the players fall.
plrdeathbounce=x where x is the amount of 'shake' when the player hits the floor.
plraction=X – Forces a one off player action
X=1 Fires current weapon
X=2 Zooms current weapon
X=3 Reloads current weapon
X=4 Crouches player
X=5 Jumps player
X=6 Peeks player left
X=7 Peeks player right
X=8 Forces “use” key
X=9 Forces left mouse click
X=10 Forces right mouse click
X=11 Forces current weapon jam
plrforcemove=X – if positive, turns on auto move forward for player, a negative value forces an auto move backwards as if the appropriate
movement key had been pressed. A setting of 0 (the default) disables auto move
Emitforce=x emits X amount of force from the current entity as a pulse. In a range of 0.0+ (default 1.0)
Forcedamageon=x 1=allows force damage (the default) any other number prevents damage
mousesclick=x (condition) – Returns the current mousestate.
X=1 returns true if left button is depressed
X=2 returns true if right button is depressed
X=3 returns true if both left and right buttons are depressed
WASP - Official V2 additions
crosshair=x, where 1 displays a crosshair if available and x=0 disables them. The default is on
weapontoslot=x where X is the next weapon slot to be used, X=0, use next free slot.
Armon = x 1=Turn on body armour, 0=No body armour, damage
is deducted from armour before health.
SetArmx=x, X cord of the armour display
SetArmy=x, Y cord of the armour display
SetArm=x, Sets body armour value to X
ArmInc=X, add X to your current body armour
ArmDec=X, subtract X from your current armour.
Airon=X - X=0 is off, X=1 acts like an aqualung. X=2 acts like lungs, restoring air to the amount set by SetAirMax when you surface.
Addair=X - Add x to air
Setair=X - Sets air to X
Setairx=X - Sets air display X cord to X
Setairy=X – Sets air display Y cord to X
Setairmax=X – sets the maximum air allowed.
Setair=X - Sets air to X
Setairtime=X – Where X is the number of milliseconds underwater before air is reduced
Setdrowntime=X - Where X is the number of milliseconds underwater before drowning damage occurs.
Instantdrown=x – If X=1 (default) running out of air results ininstant death, otherwise x=0 reduces heath.
AirGreater=x (condition) - returns true if air is greater than X.
AirLesser=x (condition) - returns true if air is less than X.
AirEqual=x (condition) - returns true if air equals X.
Samefloorasplr(condition) - returns true if the entity is on the same floor as the player.
Entityfloorequal=x - returns true if the entity is on floor X
plrfloorequal=x - returns true if the player is on floor X
plrsetimmune=x, when set the anything other than 0, player is immune from all damage!
plrimmune (condition)– returns true if the player is immune from damage.
Automated feature -Some characters, most notable Bond1's excellent models often include hard modelled melee weapons. The code automatically detects if you want the model to use another weapon and hides the melee weapon. Models must however use the
default FPSC limb naming convention: MELEE-WEAPON-LEFT or MELEE-WEAPON-RIGHT.
WASP - official V3 additions
Arrowkeys=X - toggles use of the arrow keys for movement
Peekkey= X - toggles use of the the peek keys
Crouchkey= X - toggles use of the crouch key
Jumpkey= X - toggles use of the jump key
Walkkey=X - toggles use of the walk key for movement
Runkey=x - toggles use of the walk key for movement
Setforcedamage – Sets the amount of damage the next force burst will cause.
Compasson = Turns on the compass
Compassoff= Turns off the compass
CompassX = Compass x coordinate on screen
CompassY = Compass y coordinate on screen
Compassspin = Sets the compass to spin rather than the needle
Needlespin = Sets the needle to spin rather than the compass.
radaron=x, where 1 turns on the dark radar feature, using blip1.png,blip2.png, etc, stored in databank to represent teams (1-10) non Dark AI's blips show as enemy (blip2)
radarx=x the radar x cord of the radar centre
radary=x the radar y cord of the radar centre
rotateblip=x, 1= enables radar blip to show entity facing
radarrange=x the range that entities show on the radar in segments
plrspeedmod=x where x adjusts the player speed by X%
WASP - official V4 additions.
AddRawText = String, Adds the string to the current RawText text.
Setisobjective, the object is set as the objective. A pointer, using the same format as the radar and the compass will point in the direction of the objective. Entities and Characters can all be
set as objectives. This is NOT the same as the isobjective in an objects settings.
setobjectivex=x. Where x= the x coordinate of the centre of the objective pointer
setobjectivey=x. Where x= the y coordinate of the centre of the objective pointer
setobjectivemode=x where x=0 hide objective set objective, x=1 always show, x=2 show on same floor only.
setvarrnd=x or setvarrnd=var x. sets system variable or named var to a random value between 0 and x
Randomize - resets the rnd seed to the timer
Emptyreloadonly (gunspec) - Won't allow reload until weapon is empty. E.g. M1 Garand, flintlock, etc.
setmaxweapons=x - sets the maximum number of weapons allowed in the players inventory. Exceeding X prevents pick up.
plrweaponsgreater=x (condition) - returns true if weapons in inventory is greater than X
plrweaponslesser=x (condition) - returns true if weapons in inventory is less than X
plrweaponsequal=x (condition) - returns true if weapons in inventory is equal to X
$ARM = system variable armour
$AIR = system variable air
$FPS = system variable FPS
$WAT = system variable water height
$MAX = system variable maximum weapons slots
Moved all new data to save/load routine.
WASP - official V5 additions.
Assigned variables to radar/compass objects for ease of use.
entitydamagemult=x multiplies the entities damage by x%
WASP - Official V6 additions
weaponinslot=x (condition) - returns true if slot X contains a weapon
plrstrength=x - multiplies the players strength by X%
currentweapon=x (condition) - returns true if the currently held weapon is in slot X
WASP Official - Cull additions
Added performance increases
Added 'average' timer based movement,for smoother movement.
Increase max FPS to 80 to account for additional improvements, cap required as FPS 80+ corrupting animations, will look into this.
cullmode=X - 0=Legacy culling, 1=Legacy+dynamic entity cull based on entity size- default, x=1 and system calculated cull range
cullrange=X - when cullmode=1 sets the range the entity will be culled at, overriding system defaults
hide - hides the current entity
show - shows the current entity
cullmod=x - where x is the multiplier for the new culling - x=default 400, while entity size dependant 100=approximately 1 segment.
$DIS - returns the current entities distance from the player.
WASP official - V7 - for use after V1.19 beta
Increased maximum radar blips to 20 to bring in line with maximum AI teams.
Changes to cull system to improve performance and added entity fade for smoother appearence.
plrrunning=x (condition) - X=1 returns true if the player is running, x=0 returns true if player not running.
plrzoomed=x (condition) - X=1 returns true if player weapon currently zoomed, X=0, returns true if weapon not zoomed
plrusingreload=X (condition) - returns true if reload pressed
plrcrouching=x (condition) - X=1. returns true if player crouched, x=0 returns true if player not crouching
plronground=x (condition) - X=1 and player is on ground returns true, X=0 and player is not on ground returns true.
plrjumping=x (condition) x=1 returns true if player is jumping, x=0 returns true if player is not jumping.
swaptoalt - swaps to alt fire on the current weapon
firemode=x (condition) - returns true if current firemode=x, 0=normal, 1=alt fire mode
plrrotatex=x - rotate camera angle x to X
plrrotatey=x - rotate camera angle y to X
entrotatex=x - rotate entity angle x to x
entrotatey=x - rotate entity angle y to x
entrotatez=x - rotate entity angle z to x
WASP official - V8
Fixed 'leavecorpse' bug, leave corpse now leaves corpse as it should do.
Fixed limited spawn bug
moveplrx=x - adds a one off X to players X velocity
moveplry=x - adds a one off X to players Y velocity
moveplrz=x - adds a one off X to players Z velocity
$DIF - returns the current entities real world distance in feet from the player.
$DIM - returns the current entities real world distance in metres from the player.
WASP official - V9
Prevented culling for multiplayer
Added png & jpg to splash screen options. Only 1 type allowed. Note, Jpg will not fade.
Fixed objective to scale to screen res.
Fixed non-spawned characters appearing on radar
onradar=x (condition) returns true if character on radar and x=1, else returns true if x=0 and character not on the radar.
WASP official - V10
scale=x or scale=x y - scales characters to scale X or scale X+ a value between 0-Y
plrlastfired=x (condition) returns true if weapon path X is the last player weapon fired or x=the slot the weapon is carried in.
radargreater=x y (condition) returns true is an entites range on the radar is greater (in segment size) than x and Y=1, else returns true if range less than x and Y=0
radarequal=x y (condition) returns true is an entites range on the radar is equal (in segment size) to x and Y=1, else returns true if range does not equal x and Y=0
Fixed aiheardsound bug.
holster=x where x=1, player can swap/holster weapons as normal, x=0, player cannot holster or swap weapons.
Fixed invisible spawn issue.
Fixed addhealth issue
Fixed AI footfall issue
Added Splash.avi video option.
globalnoair=x where X=1 set a global zero air, and x=0 sets air on. uses standard air settings otherwise.
setnoairdamage=x where x is the about of health lost when player has no air left.
gravitygun=x (gunspec) - turns weapon into gravity gun, allow plr to pick up an object with right click within range X, right click again, drops, left click throws
magnet=x (gunspec) - turns gravity gun into magnet, left click hurls held object towards player
gravitystrength=x (gunspec) - sets the psyhics weight the gravity gun will handle
magnetstrength=x (gunspec) - sets the psyhics weight the magnet will handle
entityishigher=x (condition) - returns true if the entity is X units higher than the player
entityislower=x (condition) - returns true if the entity is X units lower than the player
entityfloorhigher=x (condition) - returns true if the entity is X floors higher than the player
entityfloorlower=x (condition) - returns true if the entity is X floors lower than the player
plrpickon=x, x=1 then allow player pick up with right click
plrpickrange=x, sets the range at which the player can pick up an entity with right click
emitflash - Emits a flash from an entity
setflashred=x - sets the next flashes red element
setflashgreen=x - sets the next flashes green element
setflashblue=x - sets the next flashes blue element
setflashrange=x - sets the flash range of the next flash emitted, default=600
flashing=x (condition) returns true if a spotflash is in process and x=1 or returns true if no spotflash is in process and x=0
logicburst - give entity temporary logic burst, effectively setting to always active for a few moments.
spawnsleft=x y (condition) returns true if spawnsleft=x and y=1 or returns true if spawnsleft<>x and y=0
spawnsgreater=x y (condition) returns true if spawns are greater than x and y=1 or returns true if spawns are less than x and y=0
damageby=X (condition) where X is either a weapon path (e.g. ww2/colt45)
or the string "collision", "melee", "indirect", "flak" or "falling".
or X= the slot number the weapon is carried in.
plrdamagemult=x where x is the % multiplier for the current damage caused by the player.
plrnotzoomed (condition) - returns true if player is not zoomed
plrnotrunning (condition) - returns true if player is not running
plrnotjumping (condition) - returns true if player is not jumping
plrnotcrouched (condition) - returns true if player is not crouched
plrnotusingreload (condition) - returns true if player is not pressing reload
notonradar (condition) - returns true if entity is not on the radar
setlistkey=x y - X from list below, Y=new scan code
X= 1 = plrkeyW
x= 2 = plrkeyS
x= 3 = plrkeyA
x= 4 = plrkeyD
x= 5 = plrkeySpace
x= 6 = plrkeyC
x= 7 = plrkeyReturn
X= 8 = plrkeyR
X= 9 = plrkeyQ
x= 10= plrkeyE
X= 11= plrkeyShift
Fix usefullaim issue
addrawvar=X where X=var name or number. Adds the named variable to the current rawtext string.
Added blood of floor for character V character
sin=x y - set variable X to sin of Y
cos=x y - set variable X to cos of Y
damagetimegreater=x - returns true of last entity damage time greater than X
scalehudx=X Y - rescales hud named X's X scale to Y
scalehudy=X Y - rescales hud named X's Y scale to Y
changehudalpha=X Y - changes hud X to alpha Y
jamchance=X.0 (gunspec) = percentage chance of a gun jammed due to overheat (Reloading clears jam)
overheatafter=x (gunspec) = the number of shots fired before the chance of jamming becomes active.
cooldown=x (gunspec) = time in millisecs between shots to completely prevent jamming
currentweaponjammed (condition) = returns true if the current weapon is jammed.
Added new player action playeraction=11 which jams current gun
nosubmergedfire=x (gunspec) - prevents the weapon firing while underwater.
waterflow=x - sets the force of water flow effecting the player and entities if in water
watercurrent=x - sets the direction in angles of the water flow.
removeplrweapon=x where x is either the slot number or the weapon path e.g. scifi\autoslug - removes the weapon from the player, freeing the slot.
giveplrweapon=x where x is the path of the weapon e.g. scifi\autoslug. The weapon must exist somewhere in the level or will fail silently.
entitysetimmune=x - where x=1 set the entity to be immune from damage, x=0 set to receive damage
entityimmune (condition) - returns true if current entity is immune
entitynotimmune (condition)- returns true if current entity is not immune
resetglobalsonreload=x - x=0, carries default global variables over to the next level. X=1 resets default global variables on loading.
entitycam - moves camera to entity position, using entities rotation.
plrcam - restores camera to player
lastcam - swaps to previous camera.
playgunanimation=x y - where x is the animation start frame and y is the animation end frame.
camrotationon=x if x=0 the camera uses the entities rotation, x=1 use user set rotation
scalelimb=x y - scales limb X to scale y
hidelimb=x - hides limb X
showlimb=x - shows limb x
Where x is the limb number and y is the limb rescale.
Added new gun animation options to fit with default weapons
fix jam (gunspec animation)=X Y where x is the start animation and Y is the end animation
hand push
hand dead
change firemode
hand button
hand take
presetgunanimation=x, plays a present gun animation, if it exists. where x= one of the following: (no action is taken if animation doesn't exist)
lockemplacement - locks the player to a 45 degree fire arc
freeemplacement - frees the player from the fire arc.
Fixed no player movement if player entered water at a jump
Fixed water current affecting immobile objects.
cullevenifimmobile=x - allows the current immobile entity to be affected by the cull system, off by default.
cull fix
tweaks and fixes for scaling
plrweaponidle (condition) - returns true if the player weapon is idle.
plrweaponnotidle (condition) - returns true if the player weapon is not idle.
Speed tweak
plraccuracymult=x. Modifiers the player accuracy by x%
entityaccuracymult=x Modifiers the entity accuracy by x%
debugcursor=x y
debugvar=var name
wireframe=x 1=wireframe mode, 0=solid.
plrcamoffseton=x - 1 allows player camera offsetting.
plrcamoffsetx=x - x player camera offset
plrcamoffsety=x - y player camera offset
plrcamoffsetz=x - z player camera offset
further tweaks to culling.
fix to segment debug sphere issue.
Entity damage multiplier tweaks.
Mutate=x y - mutates the character/object limbs between scale X and Y
Improvements to player carry and gravity gun, objects now dropped if attempts made to life throw ceiling/objects.
setobjectiverange=x - sets the range an objective marker is dropped from the radar
objectiverangelesser=x (condition) - returns true if the entity is an objective and it's range is less than x
objectiverangegreater=x (condition) - returns true if the entity is an objective and it's range is greater than x
linktoplayer - attach the current entity to the player cam using the entities camera offsets
freefromplayer - free the entity from the player cam and leave at last cords.
Added Team Death Match/Lemur V2 - Special thanks to Plystire for this code - I aim to improve this code at a later date.
To use Lemur you'll need to add additional options to the FPSC setup.ini located in your final built game folder.
aunt1=I Can Smell You!
taunt2=Is That Fear I Smell?
taunt3=Victory Is Mine!!
taunt4=I Got You Sucka!
taunt5=Time you got ya arse in gear!
taunt6=You Play Worse Then My Grandma And She's On Oxygen!
taunt7=Eat Lead Sucka!
taunt8=What? No Bullets??
taunt9=The Object Of The Game Is To Kill, Not Die!
taunt10=Who Taught You How To Shoot?
taunt11=Your Resistance Is Futile!
taunt12=You Just Got Spanked!
taunt13=Uninstall Now Before Your Feelings Get Hurt!
taunt14=Listen To The Sound Of PAIN!
taunt15=Didn't Your Momma Teach You Not To Play With Guns?
taunt16=I AM Your Daddy's Hero!
taunt17=What? Lead Poisoning? HAH!
taunt18=Should I Play Blindfolded?
taunt19=That's DOCTOR Death To You Sir!
taunt20=What? You Lose Something? Maybe A Life?
taunt21=Sorry Babe, I Just Had To.
taunt22=Whoops!!My Bad!!HAHA NOT!
taunt23=You Are Probably The Worst Player I've Ever Beaten!!
taunt24=And You Call THAT Skill?
taunt25=Why Do You Keep Dying? Is It Me??
taunt26=What Do You Say You Give Up Now And Save Yourself The Embarassment!!!
taunt27=Daddy Likes!!!
taunt28=This Ain't No O.K. Corral, Put 'Em UP!!
taunt29=I Must Be Your Bus Driver, Because I Just Took You To School!
taunt30=Somebody Better Call The Meat Wagon!!!
serverhostname= FPSC v119 Beta
alwaysrun=x x=1 all multi player character auto run
autoswaptrue=X where X=1on and X =0 off (autochange gun)
allowsscope=X where X=1on and X =0 off
allowchat=X where X=1 on and X =0 off
alwaysrun=X= 1(run,shift is walk) or X =0(walk,shift is run.)
matchtype=X= 0 for a standard deathmatch or X=1 for Team death match
Death Match settings :
Make your game as normal making sure all character's have different names. You may have a maximum of 16 characters for a deathmatch
Team death Match settings :
matchtype =1
Make your game as normal, making sure to give each character in a team the same unique character name. e.g. You could call all the
characters in team 1 Bob, all the characters in team 2 Tina, all the characters in team 3 Ronald, etc.
You may have as many teams as you like, up to a maximum of 16 characters in total.
soundplaying (condition) - returns true if the last sound called by the entity is still playing.
soundnotplaying (condition) - returns true if the last sound called by the entity is not longer playing.
multicompass (setup.ini) - activates compass for multiplayer
multicompassx (setup.ini) - multiplayer compass x
multicompassy (setup.ini) - multiplayer compass y
multiradar (setup.ini) - activates radar in multiplayer
multiradarx (setup.ini) - multiplayer radar x
multiradary (setup.ini) - multiplayer radar y
fixed condition bug with soundplaying (shared constant)
fixed player not running bug
changed player command references to all read plr... for easier understanding.
changed alwaysrun to plralwaysrun to avoid confusion
removed "is" from player condtions, changing to:plrjumping, plrcrouching, plrzoomed,plrusingreload plrimmune and plrrunning for compatability.
removed "is" to from isentityimmune and isentitynotimmune.
fix player cam offset bug
plralwaysrun=x - x=1 the player will always run.
linkxrotation=x - X=1, rotates entity linked to player to use players x rotation
linkyrotation=x - X=1, rotates entity linked to player to use players y rotation
linkzrotation=x - X=1, rotates entity linked to player to use players z rotation
plroffsetanglex=x - player camera offset angle x
plroffsetangley=x - player camera offset angle y
plroffsetanglez=x - player camera offset angle z
offsetanglex=x - entity offset angle x
offsetangley=x - entity offset angle y
offsetanglez=x - entity offset angle z
swapplrweapon=x swaps the player current weapon or shows the weapon for path x. e.g.scifi\autoslug - the weapon must be in the player inventory.
lockslot=x y: sets the ability of the player to select weapons on slot x, y=0 available, y=1 not available.
Just wondering if I can use this commands for v1.20 BETA 3
AND also how to use them, thanks.
To be specific, I want to use the playfullvideo=x and the plrwobble=x, again, help would be appreciated