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2D All the way! / [STICKY] Official 2D Art Challenges

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Posted: 4th Jan 2013 02:49
Hi guys,

We have a pretty cool little community of 2D appreciators happening here, and I'm wondering if it would be fun to have monthly challenges like they have over at the 3D section. There's nothing like a little challenge to bring the best out in everyone, and it would be a great learning tool for us all. I really do love this community, and the Art Showcase thread has really exposed some of the cool stuff you lot are doing!

Anyone like this idea? I know I do

Regards, and happy new year!

Van B
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Posted: 4th Jan 2013 10:38
Sounds like fun, maybe you could get the ball rolling?, like start a challenge and see what happens .

Maybe it should be a more relaxed thing that the 3D one, like just have the winner choose the next months challenge - if it takes off then ask Batvink to include it in the newsletter... like the old school computer magazines, I always liked the gallery pages.

Personally I like to check on this section, see what yourself and everyone else has added to the art showcase thread, it's always a bit more inspiring than the 3D section.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2013 15:15
I think that's a great idea! I'd say brainstorm some topic ideas and go with Mr. Van B's suggestion.

Inmortalis Nox
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Posted: 4th Jan 2013 18:03
Sounds good! I think it needs to be pretty casual, and more about getting people entering, less about winning things. I'll spend some time tomorrow doing a bit of thinking, and chuck something together eh?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 03:46
I'm down to try it

The Nerevar
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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 04:41
I drew a tree....
I'd like to enter, but I prefer pencil and paper.

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 05:36
Pencil and paper is where great art starts!! Everyone who makes a mark on a 2D surface is welcome to enter, regardless of the medium. I'm just running out to get a kebab, and when I get back I'll post up the first challenge!

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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 08:10 Edited at: 5th Jan 2013 08:31

Challenge #1: Make Something New

5th Jan 2013 - 5th Feb 2013

In the spirit of a new year, this first challenge is more of just a call to make something new. Challenge yourself, and create something using one or all of the three shapes above - circle, triangle, rectangle.

There aren't really any rules, except that all the entries have to be 2D. Doesn't matter what medium, what form, or how you get in on here. You can use a graphics tablet, scanned drawing, digital picture of a painting, ASCII, noodle painting, etc. Just have fun, and make something.

We'll leave this first one open for a month, and see how that timeframe works.

Good luck, and have fun!



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Posted: 5th Jan 2013 19:07
Excellent first compo! I'll be entering.

Inmortalis Nox
The Nerevar
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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 00:49 Edited at: 6th Jan 2013 04:31
This'll be interesting, I know what to do for the Triangle for sure, I have an idea for the circle, nothing for the rectangle, I'll post them ASAIF(As soon as I'm finished!

EDIT One month? Hah! I already finished 2/3 thumbnail-ish sketches in 6 hours!

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 14:40
Quote: "EDIT One month? Hah! I already finished 2/3 thumbnail-ish sketches in 6 hours!"

Yeah I came close to finishing one of mine already as well, are we allowed to turn in more than one submission?

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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 14:53
Hmm, maybe I should change it to two weeks. The only issue is visibility, as this board can get overlooked quite quickly!

And yes, more than on submission is just fine

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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 15:44
Sounds good man, will you be entering greenlig?

The Nerevar
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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 16:15 Edited at: 6th Jan 2013 16:31
So I can do a couple of circle, or triangle sketches?
(Man! I'm loving this thread! I can finally show my work!)

For visibility: Shall I "advertise" on other boards?

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 17:02
I think that'd be a great idea, might be a good way to expand the 2D community!

The Nerevar
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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 21:23 Edited at: 6th Jan 2013 21:38
Done and done!

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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 22:49
Hey guys! I think this is an awesome idea. I own a digital art social network called Artrift. If you want, you are more than welcome to create a thread in the forums there, under the contest thread. - Digital Art Community | - My Creative Blog
The Nerevar
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Posted: 6th Jan 2013 23:36 Edited at: 6th Jan 2013 23:38
I feel that my ads worked now.
I'd love to check out Artrift, I feel that I belong there now.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2013 04:11
I'm so sorry...

Shh... you're pretty.


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DBPro Master
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Posted: 7th Jan 2013 06:03
I'd suggest focusing the content around a more specific idea. Simply "make something" is way too broad for a challenge.

"You're not going crazy. You're going sane in a crazy world!" ~Tick
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Posted: 7th Jan 2013 10:54
It's a pretty simple theme, use one or all of the three shapes, in any way you like! Could make an epic scene with a raft(rectangle), sail(triangle), in the ocean under a blazing sun(circle), or the cover of A Clockwork Orange, or what OBese87 did! It's not that hard
The Nerevar
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Posted: 7th Jan 2013 13:22 Edited at: 7th Jan 2013 13:24
Well, that changes everything! I thought for each shape you have to draw one picture that represents that shape in a way.

So... may I enter the two separate drawings, one was a circle and the other was the triangle, as well as one whole drawing containing at least one of each shape?

I also don't want to spam this compo with a dozen sketches.

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 7th Jan 2013 18:25
Geometry -->

Shh... you're pretty.


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DBPro Master
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Posted: 8th Jan 2013 18:30
Greenlig, what art package did you draw that with?

"You're not going crazy. You're going sane in a crazy world!" ~Tick
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Posted: 9th Jan 2013 01:34
@The Nerevar - yes, you may enter more than one drawing. It's not really a competition, more of a personal challenge, so go nuts

@OBese87 - keep em coming!

@Phaelax - Photoshop CS4
The Nerevar
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Posted: 9th Jan 2013 02:01
Ok, I think I'll upload after my last one, I did two circle based drawings and working on my second triangle drawing. I can't think of anything at the moment, plus school is top priority, and I'm excited for the next challenge.

I hate rectangles....

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
The Nerevar
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Posted: 11th Jan 2013 22:42 Edited at: 11th Jan 2013 22:44
Whoops! double post! but....UPLOADED, I finally got the chance to scan in my sketches!

There are 4 of them:
1.) An alien skull in a cracked astronaut helmet (circle)
2.) The moon (duh)
3.) A pine tree(first attempt, triangle)
and 4.) A snowy pine tree( first attempt,triangle)

It's large, but not large.

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 02:55
Dude those are fantastic!!! Love the cracked helmet one, and the tree with snow on it.
The Nerevar
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Posted: 13th Jan 2013 04:13
Thanks man! I kinda taught myself a few weeks ago, I've had tons of art experience before but now, I want to get into more depth with pencils.

I only used a Ticonderoga B#1, a kneaded eraser, q-tip, and my noodle.

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!
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Posted: 1st Feb 2013 07:41
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Posted: 7th Feb 2013 06:19
I'll do an update of this in the next few days! Very busy at work at the moment!

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2013 05:29 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2013 05:30
Okay! So I've been absolutely flat out with work over the last month, and have severely neglected my own painting, and this event! I'd like to apologise for that.

The first art challenge was interesting in a few ways. Firstly, to the intrepid souls who uploaded their work, you guys rock. TheNerevar and Obese87, you are both stand-up dudes, and are hereby anointed Fellows Of This Thread. But seriously, good work actually completing something. You are to be commended.

To those (including me!) who had every intention of adding to the thread but could not, do not fret. The fact that you showed interest, and were enthusiastic about the idea is a great thing.

Secondly, the challenge is going to take a bit of tweaking to get right. I don't want this to be so much competition as it is a way to get drawing and engaging with the 2D community we have here. A slow trickle is better than nothing! I managed to do a painting this year, and the concept was inspired pretty heavily by this original challenge. It has all the shapes

With that in mind, TheNerevar and Obese87 are the designators of the next challenge!

Also, here are the entries(rescaled yours, TheNerevar)!



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The Nerevar
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Posted: 5th Mar 2013 04:26
Wonder why I qualified....

Well I tried to advertise this but no one seemed interested.

Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecy, one trial at a time, because I... Am... The Nerevar!

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