Hi Guys,
Just posting a quiet confirmation of what you have probably accepted for years now. The DarkGDK source code is open source and can be found here: https://code.google.com/p/darkbasicpro/
For those that where not aware, we no longer actively support this source code internally and it has been made public so you can take the engine further as you see fit. It is completely free, with the only condition that you don't just recompile it as a new engine and start selling it (without chatting with us first)
We will be working on a spin-off of the DarkGDK/DBP source code for the forthcoming FPSC Reloaded project, but this will be done behind closed doors where I can safety wreck the functionality without upsetting people. There is a good chance that I will release this code once the project is complete along the same lines as the current DarkGDK portal.
If anyone is interested in becoming a trusted contributor to the DarkGDK source code base, mainly with the role of taking the best of what the community have improved in the original DarkGDK and adding it to the open source repository, email me at lee@thegamecreators.com with a CV and softography of your achievements in the community and we'll go from there.
I also want to add that it's great to see the DarkGDK community still so active, and I'm pleased you're still finding the language a useful tool for creating Windows apps.
If you want to keep up to date with my antics with FPSC Reloaded and by extension the new DarkGDK/DBP source code I'm pulling apart, check out my daily blog here: http://fpscreloaded.blogspot.co.uk/
Hogging the awesome since 1999