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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] [X9] Spyra

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Posted: 17th Dec 2013 21:21 Edited at: 17th Dec 2013 21:23

@Landman and S4real: Thanks you two!
Quote: " The performance improvement is quite impressive with the mod implemented."

Indeed, s4's mod is the only reason I can run this on good old FPSC

Quote: "I haven't had a chance to check back here recently, but it's still just as cool as when I left it That new Spyran looks awesome!
Thanks a lot! Glad you are still interested.


Time for a larger update.
I have built 2 somewhat decent testmaps to illustrate this update. These levels aren't completely done yet as designing the new higher quality visuals takes some time and implementing the more complex gameplay takes some nerves However! I do believe that they show some progress and I haven't shown any direct screenshots in quite some time.


New implemented improvments

* More interactive environments with more dynamic effects. (Water, fog, wildlife, NPCs etc.)

* Higher quality in both design and textures.

* Improved visuals using an extensive shader library. (its not UDK's material editor but its still pretty potent for FPSC resources )

* Player-body and real time reflective surfaces

* Improved collision and optimisation

* Improved introduction plot...with less textscrolls.

Furhter improvments ...or perhaps drawbacks will manifest along the way
To be honest, working on this game doesn't feel like making an FPSC game for quite some time now and I hope you are as fond of the results as I am so far.

Activating these arcane glyphs allows the player to spawn hidden objects. From items to passages. The architecture of this room is still a little incomplete but this is close to what it will look like in the full version. Some of this specularity will also blend in better in the full version.
I have added female necromancers to the lore. She does not have a proper shader yet which is why her stomach and hands look a little choppy. I can assure you that the final version will look a lot more lively.

Dungeons will often vary in architecture and design. I want there to be caves bordering in architecture aswell as in - to outdoor segments.

This hall should look like its "carved in" the rock. I'm still working on that but its an explanation as why there are stalactites hanging down from this ceiling.

I find that the caves have a neat "wet" feeling to them.

As you can see I have given objects varying effects to boost immersion and trying to tame that overly glossy FPSC shader effect. I think that I have made decent improvments. That book for instance uses bond1's static "tangentbasis" normalmapshader. The metal parts have a specular effect yet it lacks all of its "signature" gloss.[/center]

In case you haven't read it above. The playerbody can now be seen ingame in my prior post.

It'd be kind of you to leave some comment or question It might take me a while until I can present another update.

I know that the forumstandart 800X resolution is pretty low, so if someone would like to see one of these screenshots in higher definition, just let me know

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 05:45

Those levels are incredibly and unbelievably non-FPSC-like! I can't wait to see this game finished!

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 19:06
Those shots are downright gorgeous! The atmosphere is quite authentic and very pleasing to the eyes and the environment looks like it has a lot of stories to tell to the player. Now if the gameplay is done as masterfully as the aesthetics then you sir have crafted a MASTERPIECE!
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Posted: 19th Dec 2013 13:28
My GOD Wolf!

I know you have always been one of the better level designers, but, this new stuff is just out of this world!

Incredible work!

Wow! Just WOW!


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Posted: 22nd Dec 2013 16:42
Quote: "Those levels are incredibly and unbelievably non-FPSC-like! "

Thank you! It no longer feels like working on an FPSC game aswell

Quote: "Those shots are downright gorgeous! The atmosphere is quite authentic and very pleasing to the eyes and the environment looks like it has a lot of stories to tell to the player. "
Thank you!! The environment is interactive and can be investigated

Quote: " Now if the gameplay is done as masterfully as the aesthetics then you sir have crafted a MASTERPIECE!"

I'm really glad you like it this much and I do my best to have creative and non-repetitive gameplay in place. However, the gameplay feels a bit more like an FPSC game than the visuals...yet.
I hope you'll play it and tell me what you think

Quote: "My GOD Wolf!

I know you have always been one of the better level designers, but, this new stuff is just out of this world!

Incredible work!

thanks a lot! All thanks to s4real for permitting me to make larger, more detailed levels. I wasn't able to aim for something like this before without making my levels way too small.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2014 15:32
I know you probably get this a lot, but the amount of work you have put into the media of this game is really stunning.

Some of these screenshots I thought were from UDK even (especially the ones from the 7-8th post above me)

Really awesome work here!

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Posted: 17th Jan 2014 07:01 Edited at: 17th Jan 2014 07:17
Quote: "I know you probably get this a lot, but the amount of work you have put into the media of this game is really stunning."

Thanks Hamburger! Its a small game and I want it to feel "handmade" and polished. There is a lot of detail in the sound and score aswell that will support the environments. I hope for you to play it once I get out a release

Quote: "Some of these screenshots I thought were from UDK even"

It feels a lot like working in UDK, with all the things FPSC can do now! Thanks a lot!


Here is a little update. First and foremost: The thread looks kinda messy at the moment. My old image hoster went down and I guess I have to reupload some shots and edit this...alternatively start a new thread. I talk to the mods about that once I get a chance.


Here is a small screenshot from a current W.i.P Scene from Spyra:

Statue and Windows will be available in my new fantasy pack...that will be announced soon.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2014 09:22 Edited at: 17th Jan 2014 09:36
I don't know if it's my screen or what, but it seems a bit too dark.

I've got a question, does all the entites displayed on the last screenies actually use a shader ?

If it's the case I really wonder how you can manage to achieve that with FPSC because I have the feeling that it hurts my framerate, it's still playable since I run at ~170 FPS ( max 320 ), but still, I don't understand, how big are you maps, grid-wise ?

Excuse my grammar errors, I'm French.
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Posted: 17th Jan 2014 11:29
Quote: "I don't know if it's my screen or what, but it seems a bit too dark."

Odd! It displays fine for me. Its a little darker, I took this from an FPSC test level and not a build, for some reason these are always darker.

Quote: "I've got a question, does all the entites displayed on the last screenies actually use a shader ?"

Yes (almost) everything on the last screenshots uses a shader. They work pretty well now, FPSC came far in that regard

Quote: "If it's the case I really wonder how you can manage to achieve that with FPSC because I have the feeling that it hurts my framerate, it's still playable since I run at ~170 FPS"

Your framerate seems to be capped different than mine, you run any mod? However, its a good question. My framerate fluctuates between 56 and 60 (maximum 60). (occasional drop when a lot of chars are know how it is)

I run S4's Mod which improves FPSC's Performance a lot and gives me the little "extra" space needed to make some actual levels in FPSC.

Still! These levels are pretty big, they use half the grid or more because I didn't want the player to stare at a loading screen every few minutes. That cave level is the largest one of the recent levels and it only works because almost every rock/cave element sources from/uses the exact same texture.

Thats one of the tricks. Having elements use the same textures.

The second one is compressing your .dds files to be as small as possible. .dds files in spyra are 4 (or more) times smaller in file size than they where in Psishock or Children of Dagon .

If you want to have a really detailed place/room its better to make this a separate setpiece or cutscene level than to have a very short gameplay level. If the player gets to do things, then interrupted by a loading screen while in the middle of things, he is much more likely to get frustrated than if there is a loading screen after an element that furthers the plot.

Another thing: Not everything needs a normal map. Some things are just fine with a mild specular map or no shader at all.

...but when you get right down to it: Shaders will eat away some performance. You just have to decide when to use them and when to restrain yourself for the sake of performance (or because you don't want to rework another set of models :-p )

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Posted: 17th Jan 2014 23:42
Quote: "Your framerate seems to be capped different than mine, you run any mod? However, its a good question. My framerate fluctuates between 56 and 60 (maximum 60). (occasional drop when a lot of chars are know how it is)"

I'm using the v1.20 beta 15 since all the others seems very slow to me ( the fpscount displays ~75 but it's like my game was running at ~40, which isn't really acceptable imho ).

Quote: "The second one is compressing your .dds files to be as small as possible. .dds files in spyra are 4 (or more) times smaller in file size than they where in Psishock or Children of Dagon"

I use Paint.NET to compress my textures in the R5G6B5 compression mode because DXT1 and 5 may be lightweight, they totally destroy my textures by adding tons of compression artifacts on them. :/

For the size, I use 512x512 for most of the textures used by big items such segments, barrels or statues, my smallest texture size is about 16x16 and used for things such as color gradients or coloured specular/cube maps.

Excuse my grammar errors, I'm French.
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Posted: 21st Jan 2014 15:45
Quote: "DXT1 and 5 may be lightweight, they totally destroy my textures by adding tons of compression artifacts on them. :/

Shouldn't happen. I convert mine to DXT1 and as you can see, they all turn out fine. DXT5 for textures with an alpha channel. You got skype? Maybe I can help you

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 02:22
Quote: "DXT1 and 5 may be lightweight, they totally destroy my textures by adding tons of compression artifacts on them."

you may want to try a different program for .dds conversion. I use this and it's free last time I remembered.

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 10:29
Quote: "I don't know if it's my screen or what, but it seems a bit too dark."

I think the issue is that the windows are glaring brightly but the room still seems a little dank. It looks awesome though!

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Posted: 14th Feb 2014 00:37
Hey wolf,

whats up? Is there some progress you can show?


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Posted: 14th Feb 2014 13:47
Woh, what's wrong with my sig? It's all.....gif-like...PhotoBucket, what are you doing?

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Posted: 29th Apr 2014 15:26
What's happened to Wolf?! I haven't seen anything from him in an absolute age! I fear we may have lost him to another engine!


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Posted: 1st May 2014 16:48 Edited at: 1st May 2014 16:49
Quote: "I fear we may have lost him to another engine!"

I hope not!

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Posted: 1st May 2014 18:37
Quote: "What's happened to Wolf?! I haven't seen anything from him in an absolute age! I fear we may have lost him to another engine!"

Well to be fair, almost everyone went bottom side up when the new Reloaded page launched. I guess the times of the original community are at a swift closing.

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Posted: 1st May 2014 18:56
Quote: "I guess the times of the original community are at a swift closing."

Sad times! I checked on his blog and nothing has been posted for a while.

If anyone would know, its Bugsy!

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Posted: 4th May 2014 23:26
Hey guys,

it's been a while... Wolf isn't in game design anymore. He's focusing on art now.

That's why he left the Canalyst team.


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Posted: 5th May 2014 04:11
Quote: "Wolf isn't in game design anymore."

Well that is a shame then. I really wanted to see this game take life. I guess its his decision to or not to finish it however. Perhaps he is having more luck with his artwork.

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Posted: 6th May 2014 04:34
Quote: "Wolf isn't in game design anymore. He's focusing on art now."

Shame At least he's good at art!

Quote: "I guess the times of the original community are at a swift closing."

Argh don't say that! I'll go all nostalgic!

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Posted: 8th May 2014 12:51 Edited at: 8th May 2014 13:03
Crap, talk about a shocking news... so this is why he deleted nearly all of his FPSC videos from his Youtube account ?

There will be a gaping hole without him. Yep, he will be missed. :/

Quote: "I guess the times of the original community are at a swift closing."

Maybe this is how things are supposed to be, I mean, "elders" ( if I may say ) are leaving, then the newcomers have to succeed them.

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Posted: 15th May 2014 16:23
Quote: "What's happened to Wolf?"

Quote: "Hey guys,

it's been a while... Wolf isn't in game design anymore. "

Yes its true! I actually started to write a humongous "good-bye" thread where I'd recap my projects, post a compilation of some of the best FPSC Projects that came along during its long runingtime (because whenever a user posts such a list its lacking a lot of projects, especially ones made outside of this community...and contain some that are very outdated and dont hold up anymore.) and share some community anecdotes. I also wanted to add a rant on how I thought that by now videogames would have finally reached a state where they are an interactive story-telling medium for all ages but ...that hasn't happened yet, has it?

I decided against it seeing how the old community was dying down a little and I figured I'd just fade out, having the screenshots on page 4 of this thread as my final contribution as a videogame developer.

Less relevant thought:

However, something I announced long ago finally manifested itself: I'm done with videogames. I wanted spyra to be my epitaph in this and it certainly was the best compromise between ambition and something that I could actually achieve in FPSC but I'm simply done with it. I was into making videogames since late 2004 and bought FPSC in late 2005 (or very early 2006). During that time I grew from a child to an adult and making games as a creative outlet became part of my identity. However, over the last few months I was still working on Spyra I felt how it was less and less fun and compared to the other things I was working on a lot less rewarding or important. Since I study psychology which is a subject that requires me to do a lot of reading I do also lack the time to make any substantial progress in this kind of hobby.

I'm a very different person now and making videogames is no longer part of who I am. I even quit my coffee habit

Now I'm aware that this might sound like I "outgrew" making videogames and am "beyond" you guys but that is not what I ment. I still think that making games is, as long as you dont dedicate TOO much time to it, a rewarding and intelligent creative hobby. I'm thankful that I had it during my teens and adolescent years simply because it gave me something to keep my hands busy whenever I was lovelorn and something to keep my brain entertained whenever I was working some unchallenging job. (and I worked quite a few of these until I found where to take my career.)

I'm not saying "farewell" because its possible that I will throw together a small game every now and then but this will certainly not happen this summer. Maybe once I reach one of these life-phases again where everything is more routine and I need some outlet for my "creative energy".

Spyra and all my other projects still live on as a backup I can dig out if I ever feel like painting some polygons on a 3d canvas again. I did however delete all of my tools and software I gathered throughout the years (modeling etc.) but kept the really good ones as a backup aswell.

Quote: "I fear we may have lost him to another engine! "

No! That just doesn't work for me. Too time-consuming.

Quote: "He's focusing on art now."

While its true that I draw and paint, I can't say that I focus on it. It certainly doesn't take up the same focus and dedication Spyra did.

Quote: "Shame At least he's good at art!

Thank you! Thats very kind!

Quote: "Argh don't say that! I'll go all nostalgic!"

Yeah! Whe where a fun bunch! Weird and sometimes a little psychotic but fun

Quote: "Crap, talk about a shocking news... so this is why he deleted nearly all of his FPSC videos from his Youtube account ?"

They are hidden, not deleted! You can send me a PM or add me in skype if you want to see one

Quote: "
There will be a gaping hole without him. Yep, he will be missed. :/"

Wow! Thanks!

Quote: "Maybe this is how things are supposed to be, I mean, "elders" ( if I may say ) are leaving, then the newcomers have to succeed them.

I'm 22 =D ...but yes! As far as FPSC is concerned, I guess I count as a fossil I'd love to see the newcomers bring out some fantastic FPSC games! Altough it looks more like the community disintegrates right now

So! I hope some of you carry on making some great games and I will check on the community every now and then and throw in some help for the newbies


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Posted: 15th May 2014 19:35
Good bye!

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Posted: 16th May 2014 16:39
Bye !

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Posted: 17th May 2014 17:41
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Posted: 18th May 2014 03:37
Quote: "I'm 22 =D ...but yes! As far as FPSC is concerned, I guess I count as a fossil "

LOL then I guess that makes me star stuff left over from the big bang.
You will be missed man. Talents like yours don't come along all the time. Life takes you on all sorts of journeys,maybe one day you'll revisit this one again. When and if you do just know you will be greeted with open arms. Good luck in life and all your future endeavors!

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Posted: 21st May 2014 16:41
Quote: "LOL then I guess that makes me star stuff left over from the big bang."

Yes you are! Altough it was more related to the time I used FPSC rather than my age.

Quote: "You will be missed man. Talents like yours don't come along all the time. Life takes you on all sorts of journeys,maybe one day you'll revisit this one again. When and if you do just know you will be greeted with open arms. Good luck in life and all your future endeavors! "

Thanks a lot for your warm farewell! I hope to see you're still around if I ever get back to making games (because of course I'd stickt to FPSC if I did!)

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Posted: 23rd May 2014 12:26
Jesus man get on skype sometime! I havent talked to you in too long, but I've been busy lately so it's my fault. i hope to hear from you soon

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Posted: 26th May 2014 20:57 Edited at: 29th May 2014 16:23
I wasn't cheking in on skype that much recently either so its partly my fault! I'm on skype every second day now though! I anticipate that we'll run into each other soon!

Hey there! Some of my old vids are back online on ma youtube channel!

I leave them up there for newbies to take pointers in terms of lightmapping.


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Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 14:19
Quote: "I leave them up there for newbies to take pointers in terms of lightmapping. "

And I can´t recommend enough to do that!

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2014 00:48
Sad to see you go wolf. you are one of, if not the best level designers i have seen on this forum. I can only imagine what you could accomplish in FPSC-R. Good luck.

Out of curiosity, will you put up your models for download? I can understand if you don't but i am just wondering

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2014 17:56
Thanks Ertlov!

Hey Tomahawk!

Thanks man! I'll stick around and make the occasional model though. I'm currently uploading some of my stuff to the reloaded store.

Also this is my best Modelpack to date


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Posted: 23rd Jul 2014 19:07
BTW: Is this your work ? Watching the video makes me think it's SPYRA ?

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2014 23:58
No, thats almost a carbon copy of the first level of Spyra. It mixes in some concepts I had in Relikt too (the blue orbs on dungeonpack pillars as lightmapping). Its kind of depressing...if the creator has to copy the layout of my level, which ultimately means he has no inspiration of himself, why bother making games at all?


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Posted: 24th Jul 2014 00:41
Okay, thanks Wolf.
Disappointed that you never finished the weapons for the cyberpunk pack, you are a great artist. I will be watching your store profile

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Posted: 24th Jul 2014 15:20
Quote: "No, thats almost a carbon copy of the first level of Spyra. It mixes in some concepts I had in Relikt too (the blue orbs on dungeonpack pillars as lightmapping). Its kind of depressing...if the creator has to copy the layout of my level, which ultimately means he has no inspiration of himself, why bother making games at all?"

That was my exact thoughts on that too. I was like... there is no way they ripped off Spyra that hard. I know I'm saying a lot but I feel like there is someone who copied Escape the Bunker up to character names and even certain scare placements. They obviously played my game and decided to one up it? I don't know. I like to avoid copying other FPSC devs. I can't see why people would want to either.

Its good to see you back on the forums a bit... even if its not for more of that epic game design skills.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2014 20:17
Quote: "No, thats almost a carbon copy of the first level of Spyra. It mixes in some concepts I had in Relikt too (the blue orbs on dungeonpack pillars as lightmapping).?"

Yeah, the bluntest imitation ever seen in the gallery. Indeed, so blunt that it even cannot be counted as flattery in your direction.

Quote: "Its kind of depressing...if the creator has to copy the layout of my level, which ultimately means he has no inspiration of himself, why bother making games at all?"

Well, don't ask me
I mean, we are all are glad and thankful for guys like you, rolfy, bond1 and quite a few others here who insist in firing our inspiration by showing us what is possible if one only tries, but that is quite another thing.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2014 18:40
Quote: "Disappointed that you never finished the weapons for the cyberpunk pack, you are a great artist."

Me too! I was just not ready to do anything rigged and shaded well enough to be dynamic back then! Also thanks for the compliment.
They look good as renders but wouldn't look good in FPSC... however! I designed a pistol for Reloaded. There will be a thread about it next month.

Quote: "I will be watching your store profile"

Thanks! You will get scifi and cyberpunk assets on there very soon aswell.


Quote: "I know I'm saying a lot but I feel like there is someone who copied Escape the Bunker up to character names and even certain scare placements."

I can see why someone would want to copy escape the bunker, though.
It made use of FPSC very efficiently and that is where the biggest challenge lies.
This isn't the first time one of my games has been copied. (exhibit A) ...but this guy had the courtesy of naming me in his Moddb Profile AND its in another engine.

Quote: " I like to avoid copying other FPSC devs."

Me too. One would think this would be a given, especially since there are so many games out there to rip off ...but then again, that would require creativity..and if you're a copycat, you don't have that. All I can say is that I guess this means that we did something right with our games.

Quote: "Its good to see you back on the forums a bit... even if its not for more of that epic game design skills."

Thank you I might make nice levels, but I must say that you made the better games so far. I will however finish Spyra, if at an even slower pace.

Quote: "Yeah, the bluntest imitation ever seen in the gallery. Indeed, so blunt that it even cannot be counted as flattery in your direction."

I usually like to see that another user got inspired as my work, but you are right, this is way too far.

Quote: "I mean, we are all are glad and thankful for guys like you, rolfy, bond1 and quite a few others here who insist in firing our inspiration by showing us what is possible if one only tries, but that is quite another thing."

Thanks! I hope I will continue to do so in the future.


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Posted: 27th Jul 2014 07:14

You are too generous. I've come to accept my project for what they are, good or not. It's a matter of perception I guess. I just like to sit down and watch people do Let's Plays on my past projects. Sometimes I cringe at how bad my design was in some areas. Sometimes I see people playing that get it right away and I don't feel so bad. Its always a toss up but I appreciate the kind remarks.

And it hit me awhile back that Thanatophobia and ETB shared a similar setting. At the time I had not played Thanatophobia yet (shocking... I know) so I hope I didn't look ignorant when I said I don't like copying people.

I see you made a new Spyra WIP so I can't wait to go on over and check that post out!

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Posted: 28th Jul 2014 04:27
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Posted: 28th Jul 2014 15:33
Quote: "Sometimes I cringe at how bad my design was in some areas. Sometimes I see people playing that get it right away and I don't feel so bad. "

Same here! I notice how many people try and do things I never thought of as a developer and I'm always pleasantly surprised how non-jaded and respectful some of these people are. Its refreshing that many truely get its a homecooked indie game and treat it just like that. It motivates me to make games...quite a few people like them.

Quote: "And it hit me awhile back that Thanatophobia and ETB shared a similar setting."

Nazis, Bunkers and Horror? Many things share that setting, it comes natural and you took a very different route than I did.

Quote: "I see you made a new Spyra WIP so I can't wait to go on over and check that post out!"

Yes This thread was a little outdated so here's to a new start. LINK


"When I contradict myself, I am telling the truth"
"absurdity has become necessity"

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