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DLL Talk / [BlueGUI] Uskin.dll Panels not shown.

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Joined: 24th Jul 2008
Location: Toronto
Posted: 13th Apr 2013 17:10
I am using uskin.dll for my skin engine.

Created my panel.

When uskin is enabled, with the following.

"Skin Start "Themes\Vista.msstyles"

My panels are created but hidden.
If I disable uskin they show back up.
Did try to hide and show the panel with the commands but did not work.

I did post in dbpro forums, But figured this might be a better place to post this question.

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.
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Location: UK
Posted: 28th Apr 2013 15:23 Edited at: 28th Apr 2013 15:26
I played with uskin years back and I never got it to work satisfactorily with my apps. Could just be me, but personally I think it's more trouble than it's worth. I was originally looking for a way to make BlueGUI projects `fit in` better with XP & Windows 7 default themes. On XP, a seperate manifest file was required to give it the default XP skin, but these didn't work on Vista or Win7.

Luckily, a clever guy sussed out how to hack the dbcompiler.exe file to include the correct manifest information and I have been using that ever since with no problems. (Especially since DBPro and dbcompiler.exe have not been updated for ages)

I also wrote a quick program to automatically change the manifest strings. ***USE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE SURE BEFORE RUNNING IT - BACKUP YOUR PROJECTS AND DBPRO FOLDER ****

All it does is modify the dbcompiler.exe to the correct resource string, and create a backup of the original.

Hope it helps!

Edit: Forgot to include the code

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Joined: 24th Jul 2008
Location: Toronto
Posted: 6th Jun 2013 06:37
Thought this thread died, Thank you for the info. And I have a external for backups, So no problem there.

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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