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Dark GDK / DarkGDK for Visual Studio 2012

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Posted: 14th Apr 2013 17:52
I tried to run my Dark GDK projects using Visual Studio 2012 on a new machine. However, it will not run. I researched it and found out that I have to install Visual Studio 2010 first.

Is there a way to run Dark GDK projects using Visual Studio 2012 without installing VS2010?


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Posted: 16th Apr 2013 00:33
Has anyone found a work-around so you can run Dark GDK projects using Visual Studio 2012 without installing VS2010?

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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 13th Jun 2013 10:36
@Have Fun! I am also looking into doing this at the moment. Once I have a work-around, I'll post back here.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2013 12:05
Check Seppuku Arts posts...

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 15th Jun 2013 11:57 Edited at: 15th Jun 2013 12:05
ok, so I have managed to compile a test GDK program in visual studio 2012 and all ok (see code below): -

If you are getting the 'windows.h' not found error in VS 2012, then you can configure the platform toolset you want to use e.g VS 2010 (see attached image). You will have to install VS 2010 first.

Having said that, I tried to change the platform toolset to use VS 2008 but it unfortunately fails. Most likely down to my current includes/libs configuration.

Hope this helps.


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Posted: 16th Jun 2013 21:43
@bored: No, it does not compile in Visual Studio 2012. Please read my first post. I need my students to be able to work with DarkGDK using ONLY Visual Studio 2012. Please notice this line on my first post:

"...without installing VS2010..."

When you "configure the platform toolset you want to use e.g. VS 2010", you are actually telling VS2012 to use VS2010, which you already have installed.

Here is the challenge to you. Delete VS2010 completely. Look for "c:/program files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0". If the folder is still there, then you have not removed Visual Studio 2010. If you have un-installed VS2010, then delete this folder.

Once you have completely removed VS2010, try to run your DarkGDK project. It fails.

I have tried everything that I can. I even downloaded the DarkGDK open source project and tried to update it for VS2012. I was not able to do so. At this point, unless we find a fix soon, we are going to drop DarkGDK and move to a different library to teach graphics.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2013 00:06
Maybe this can help

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Posted: 17th Jun 2013 02:55
It did not work. Thanks for pointing out the link, though.

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AGK Backer
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Posted: 14th Aug 2013 18:04
Earlier in this thread I mentioned to check someones threads... here is a link to that exact one...

Is this still an issue or have you resolved it? mind you this link is for GDK.NET but it should still follow similar methods...

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