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2D All the way! / problem with 2d animation in unity3d

2d games unity
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Joined: 30th May 2013
Posted: 30th May 2013 20:53
hello guys, how to make my animations playing with current position,,i have 2 animation,the 1st one is right move and 2nd one is left move.. when i pressing 'a' and 'd' button its going well,, the problem is,when i change my animation movement, it is not play at current location which is the last position before new animation playing...what i want is when change to the new movement, it play at current position,not at the original position of animation..for the animation i'm using ex2d extension to create it..can anyone help me?? if you don't understand please tell me,,
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Posted: 31st May 2013 10:37
You should probably try the Unity3d forums. When you do, it'll be helpful if you can post the source code you're refering to.

2d games unity
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Joined: 30th May 2013
Posted: 31st May 2013 12:56
[You should probably try the Unity3d forums. When you do, it'll be helpful if you can post the source code you're refering to.

,,i already post my problem in unity forum but seen no one is answer my question, and my problem is stuck now..

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