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DLL Talk / DBConn Remake

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Posted: 11th Jun 2013 17:05 Edited at: 20th Sep 2013 16:36
With much help from KISTech, I have updated the DBConn plugin to add a few more commands that I needed for my own projects. Changes included are:

Commands all start with KKPODBC_ so they don't conflict with DBConn commands.
Multiple Instances! The first parameter of every function will be the instance number, from 0 to 2.
Added KKPODBC_Init <Instance> to initialize an instance. Only call this once per instance.
Added KKPODBC_ResetError(instance) to reset the error message to ""
Added KKPODBC_GetColumns(instance) to return the number of columns from a SELECT statement
Added KKPODBC_GetColumnName(instance,idx) to return the name of a column given the index
Modified the plugin so that it doesn't crash when failing to re-build the connection after it has been lost.

Full Command List:

With the new commands, you can create a SQL Browser of sorts. This crude snippet shows how. (Requires Matrix1)

The source code for the plugin, in case anyone else wants to modify it:

Attached is the plugin, keywords file, and help files, most just slightly altered versions of KISTechs. Also attached is an example project that connects to a database, runs a select statement, and opens the results in Microsoft Excel.


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Posted: 13th Jun 2013 00:26 Edited at: 12th Aug 2013 17:12
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Joined: 30th May 2008
Posted: 12th Aug 2013 17:32
Shameless bump on my own thread. I am no longer asking for someone to update the DBConn plugin. Instead, I have already updated it, and have posted it above. Many thanks to KISTech for responding to my emails!

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