So essentially I have a scene with three rooms. Each room has 2 buttons, the buttons are numbered Button#1 and Button#2. I need the player to choose one of the two buttons (upon the pressing of which a +1 will be added to the representing variables - Button#1=N and Button#2=N)and then when he goes through all 3 rooms, proceed into the next level. In the next level I need the game to take a look if player pressed Button#1 or Button #2 more and then pefrorm an action accordingly like:
If Button#1>Button#2 ...
else if Button#1<Button#2...
This will be a simple matter of comparing 2 variables as each button pressed will simply add + 1 to Button#1 or Button#2 variables.
All I need to to know is how can I save and access variables throughout the game?
PS: Keeing in mind that at any point the player can start the game all over again and the game should NOT* have access to the variables from the past Playthrough.
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