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3 Dimensional Chat / Blender: Turn off backfaces?

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Joined: 3rd Dec 2008
Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 10th Jul 2013 17:56 Edited at: 10th Jul 2013 17:59
Hey everybody,

I'm trying out Blender and I have a simple question (well it should!).

I've googled until it got on my nerves but I could not find any solution, without drastic scripting, to simply turn off backfaces in Blender.

I'm used to working with milkshape and Blender shows great promise for me, but I'm getting doubts if something as basic as that is such a hassle.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Another question: When working with milkshape, I know faces consist of three vertexes, why does Blender use four? Or if it is using three, why don't I see a split in the wireframe render?


Regards Sph!nx
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Posted: 10th Jul 2013 21:49
its under 'display' on the right side panel. press n (default) if you dont see this. there will be a checkbox for 'backface culling'

blender can use faces with 3 points, or 4 points, or use ngons with > 4 points. quads are better for sculpting and subdividing than tri and so these are more typical, but if you prefer to work in tri, you can select your faces and press ctrl t to triangulate. you can also rotate the edges that are then formed using mesh menu > edges > rotate or ctrl e > rotate with the edge selected.

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Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 11th Jul 2013 00:13
Thank you very much, Ortu! I will read up on quads and stuff.

Regards Sph!nx

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