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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Old OGWWII Pack for free?

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Posted: 8th Aug 2013 18:20

Hey guys. I thought about it for a bit the other day, and it's been quite some time now, since I've sold this pack. How would those that own this pack feel about me releasing it for free to the Community at large here? If too many people object; I'll nix the idea. But I think the shelf-life of the Pack has been reached, and rather than see it die; I'd like others to get some use out of it.

It comes packed in an auto-installer. Let me know.


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Posted: 9th Aug 2013 17:07 Edited at: 9th Aug 2013 20:00
Well; I haven't heard one thing or the other, so I'm going to assume it's alright then.

Let me put it another way; is there any interest in this pack going up, as it's just a bunch of crates, barriers, etc.? If there's no interest, then there's no need to bother with it.


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Posted: 9th Aug 2013 20:35
I think it's a great looking pack and i'm sure many people could use it, including me.....

Did a lot of people buy this pack?

Is it a couple years old?

Maybe, give it another week and if no one objects, release it for free.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2013 20:40
It's around 7 years old or so; made a few hundred off of it, more than I thought it would. At the time, it was one of the only 3rd-party media packs around. We'll see what the response is.


Mat Warner
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Posted: 9th Aug 2013 21:03
I find this pack great for starters, but if you were to decide if it should be Free i would suggest just looking at the downloads/purchase for the past few months.

If this Pack is released I will probably Retexture the Models.
If i do ill release them publicly


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michael x
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Posted: 9th Aug 2013 21:11
I can't see why anyone would object you giving it away for free. people need to understand that is just the way of the world of business. that like if people got mad when tgc first put fpsc up for for $50 then the price drops years later and everyone can get it dirt cheap with model packs. people understand that things like this can't be possible without support. i myself had people make models for me then they decide to take those model and sell them cheaper then what I pay for them. It did not matter to me because it allow those who could not afford them at the price I payed to be able to afford them. this community is good for free models and low price models. the pack 7 years old I don't see why not.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2013 21:55 Edited at: 9th Aug 2013 21:58
I bought it long ago and have no objections to you releasing it for free Keith

Maybe it's just that very few of those who would have purchased it are around any more. Since crashing hard drives etc I reckon I dont have it in inventory anymore so it's actually nice to be reminded, it was a very handy pack.
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Posted: 9th Aug 2013 23:07
They may be older, but some look great still today.
The barricades especially.
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Posted: 10th Aug 2013 05:36
Thanks guys. I'll say this now, and I'll reiterate it in the official thread later on: I normally jump all over people about partial re-textures of others work; but with my pack, feel free to do a partial or total re-texture and share them with everyone here (I do ask that you post them in the thread, when it's made).

I'll also see about including the .3ds version of the pack in a separate download; feel free to use these in other engines as well. Should help fill those scenes up a bit more.

They'll be hosted on Blackfox's site; and when it's ready, I'll have the link up as well.


Daniel wright 2311
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Posted: 10th Aug 2013 09:11
Can I put your stuff in my store for free downloads?

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Posted: 10th Aug 2013 09:44
Sorry Daniel; but this pack will be available only in Blackfox's site. Appreciate the offer though.


Daniel wright 2311
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Posted: 10th Aug 2013 19:19
Ok, no problem, if at any time you wish to add stuff to my web site, just let me know, it will be no problem my friend.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2013 20:37
Just to let everyone know; I haven't forgotten, just need to get a few things in order.


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Posted: 16th Aug 2013 01:57
Can't wait Thanks Keith

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Posted: 6th Sep 2013 14:27
Does anyone still have the whole zipped up file (with installer)?


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Posted: 27th Sep 2013 05:35
Still trying to find that old installer copy. Until then; here's the regular download containing both .3ds and .x formats. Enjoy.



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Posted: 18th Oct 2013 04:58
Well; I can't seem to locate the darn installer version anywhere. So; once I collect all the thumbnail images (for the editor menu) and .fpi files, I'll make an official thread on this. The download in the post above contains everything you need, except the aforementioned items.


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