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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Just have a basic question about the global script

Tyler Smith
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Joined: 6th Aug 2013
Posted: 6th Sep 2013 16:12 Edited at: 7th Sep 2013 01:17
So i was wondering if i change the global script of a certain level and add to my game, will all my levels have the same global script ? or can i change it for each level? thanks

Funny thing I've had fpsc for 5 years and i still don't know some of the basics of it
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 8th Sep 2013 03:23
Hi Tyler Smith
Quote: "will all my levels have the same global script ? or can i change it for each level?"

Short answer "yes". But if I'm understanding this correctly, What you want to do is change the "loadingpage.fpi" for each level.
Take a look at page 87 in the "Official Comm. Guide". "How to change skybox per level". If you don't have the Official guide then
take a look at this..
BlackFox's tutorial on making changes per level. Should be helpful.

best luck
Tyler Smith
Years of Service
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Joined: 6th Aug 2013
Posted: 8th Sep 2013 23:07
Thanks a bunch I've never been able to figure out this...... THANKS!!

Funny thing I've had fpsc for 5 years and i still don't know some of the basics of it

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