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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Did the stock character animations change from previous versions?

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Posted: 11th Sep 2013 05:15
I am working on my first character and got the stock rig from the files section on the web site. I compared the anim's to Henry Ham's character creator rig and they match. So I exported it to direct x. But when I import them into FPSC they are playing the wrong animation for the action. For example they swim towards me instead of running at me and fall down while they are shooting.

Did the animations change from when these rigs where made? Or is there another step I'm missing?

Here is the animation sequence it creates in the .fpe file when I use the makeentitiesfromXfiles:

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Posted: 11th Sep 2013 05:16
Sorry, wrong button and double post.
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Posted: 11th Sep 2013 05:26
What program are you exporting with?

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Posted: 11th Sep 2013 05:35
I am experimenting with Maya which I am getting at the end of the week, but I've also tried it with the student version of Max 12, and Milkshape and all three have given me the same results.
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Posted: 11th Sep 2013 06:50
Make sure when you export your model that you set it to 25 frames per sec instead of the default 30.

Inmortalis Nox
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Posted: 11th Sep 2013 17:45
Also be sure that the animation time factor is set to "1" when exporting from Milkshape.

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Posted: 11th Sep 2013 23:50
Since there's a thread for character animation issues, does anyone know why sometimes the character randomly twitch-rotates sideways for a sec when playing anims sometimes?

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Posted: 12th Sep 2013 01:59
I wouldn't mind if someone wanted to rename this to character animation issues. That might help people find it later.

I haven't had a chance to rexport the anims at the other frame rate, but that sounds very logical to the wrong animation problem.

Is the rotate/twitching in stock characters or custom characters? Maybe the animation doesn't start and end in the same position?
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Posted: 12th Sep 2013 02:30
Older character's seem to have the twitch problem, noticed it on custom stuff.

Cosmic Prophet characters do it all the time in newer versions of fpsc so something must of changed in the source.

Noticed some characters also walk backwards as well.

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Posted: 12th Sep 2013 03:04
all my custom characters exported from 3ds max have the problem, but they dont seem to do it when I dont give them darkAI

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Posted: 24th Sep 2013 05:06
OK. I got the anims sorted out. For some reason I thought the framerate was 24. I set it to 25 like it's supposed to be and that fixed that.

Next problem. No matter what I try the character is facing the wrong way. I made 2 versions of the character. One with fixnewy=0 and the other with fixnewy=180. They both walk backwards and perform the exact same way. I tried running the cleaner and didn't get any different results. What else can I try?

Here is the fpe:

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Posted: 24th Sep 2013 05:15
I've found that you have to reverse the direction of the character in your modeling program before export. I've done this in milkshape and truespace. Not sure why those cords would be reversed. This only happens in FPSC, not DBP, which is double weird.

Inmortalis Nox
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Posted: 24th Sep 2013 05:20
Thanks Josh. Do you mean rotate the mesh alone or the mesh and bones both need rotated?
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Posted: 25th Sep 2013 05:32
OK. I'm at a loss. I have tried exporting this every way I can think of. I've tried all the rotations. I don't know what else to do.

Would someone mind taking a look at this for me to see what I'm doing wrong? Keep in mind it's not a finished product. Just a test.

Thanks in Advance,


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Posted: 25th Sep 2013 07:06
Use Fragmotion to import the .x as it is, and then rotate everything using their tools. This will not harm the animation the way milkshape does.

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Posted: 25th Sep 2013 23:04 Edited at: 25th Sep 2013 23:09
Try These....

And yes, Milkshape is querky sometimes with animations. With certain rigs that do exibit the "twitch" you can sometimes adjust the frames in the .fpe by just 1 or 2 frames and it will fix it. Sometimes it doesn't. I've even assigned a grenade with a transparent texture to the character so you cant see it. And that has fixed the twitching issue, especially when following waypoints. Wierd huh!

Also, if you are using any of the combat scripts, you have to be sure to assign the character a weapon. You did not do this in your original. That is why he stands there and runs the grenade throw animation.

Stuff like this is why I'm planning on switching to another app soon to do animations.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2013 04:55
That worked perfect on my end. Thanks Cosmic! What did you do to get him to turn around? Was it using Fragmotion to rotate it?

I'm not actually using Milkshape for the final export. I used Milkshape to open the FPSC skeleton from here on the forums and export it to another format. I am actually using Maya LT now but there is no export to direct x. It only comes with FBX which is fine because it's a nice universal format and I want to make models for as many engines as possible. From there I opened it in Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro to do the textures (I'm quicker in that than Maya which I'm still learning) and it exports directx. I thought I could kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak. I'm wondering if it was the Ultimate Unwrap that made it face incorrectly.

Thanks Again man. I wanna really nail down how to do this because I have a lot of ideas I want to share here. Big 2-story type robot ideas With custom weapons to chase players down with.

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