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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Would I snubbed ...

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Joined: 8th Oct 2012
Posted: 15th Sep 2013 19:55
Would I snubbed ...
I posted these topics:
Vr Training pack:
Two pillars scifi:
Wip hud menu
Without the excellent material, I find the same level as average user working on a little MS3D and PAINT.
Nevertheless, there is little feedback, advice in relation to new members also offer hardware .. is that of distrust ..?
The proposed materials are stored, tested and translated for U.S. members (I'm French but I bothered to translate files).
On a small forum I want although there have not comments (we are ten French FpsCreator to use if it is .. LOL) but on a forum TGC I find it a shame.
Especially since I have other hardware projects in progress.
But the forum has hundreds of pages, so it is not zap you to read the contents of the page ...
This is not a 'rant', just an observation that makes me a little trouble and gives me the urge to post too, whether answers to topics (I post just because technically I am very average, I do not want to flood it with your posts of Whooooa! LOL or ... or MDR when a topic calls me I will answer based on my skills.

I will not prevent me finish with a kind word:
Great forum, great members.
Friendships users FpsCreator and more!

Sory for error of langage, i'm french and use 'Translate google' ...
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Location: Luxemburg
Posted: 15th Sep 2013 23:14
Its not because you are french

You see, these are some very specific things (VR Training) and you write rather little about it. You get little feedback because you, yourself dont write a lot about your ideas and what you try to accomplish with these packs or why you made them.
Its like me releasing a model with the message "Here!" a Screenshot and a downloadlinkg. Whats there to post? "Thanks, I guess".

The Scifipillars are a very simple prop... Its a checkered rectangle...there is little feedback to give to be honest.

If you write a little bit more (no matter how good or bad your english is) and show some more dedication, people will post.

These are also things people dont seem to need. VR Training is something I saw in only one FPSC project so far and HUDs like "the door is locked" can be made with any artsoftware and the texttool.

Release a zombiecharacter, you would get 3 pages of responses withing a week

But seriously: I cant speak for everyone but I cant imagine people on this forum trying to put you down because you are french.

"absurdity has become necessity"
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Joined: 8th Oct 2012
Posted: 15th Sep 2013 23:48
After reading your answer Wolf, I realize you're right.
It is true that the VR Training is unique and can please or not please!
Smaller models also, I agree the above.
I would have thought that this entity ( and script would have had a little success: indeed it is special: it requires two shares (break box, cut the thread) but it takes an entity (a TXT U.S. comes with).
Well, anyway just can not please, it takes for all tastes.
I had my anxiety attack / disappointment but it gets better once you have a partner who argues.
But I have identified your message Wolf, thank you again!

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