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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Starting on 3D with school.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2013 12:25
Well I currently attend Argosy University and am using DarkBASIC Professional to create games.

We are finally diving into 3D game development and are using Hands On DarkBASIC Pro vol 2 as a text book. It is pretty confusing lol.

I was just wondering can anybody give me any advice on how to tackle 3D using DBP? My finals will be here December 17, 2013 and I have to have a completed 3D game by then. I was thinking of a simple FPS or Racing game, but am having difficulty getting started.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2013 13:18
Hi there TheKid...

Racing games are not that simple but there are a few in the Code Snippets thread here [look at the drop down at the top of this page which says My Threads and click he drop down and find Code Snippets under the DBPro section...]

FPS games can be a bit difficult too, how about a Platformer instead?

Do you have to use raw coding or can you use plugins too?

Dark Physics would make your physics easier, [DarkDYNAMICS would be good for production releases] but for ease of demonstration DarkDYNAMICS would probably alleviate the PHYSX installation and mask it as well ^^

Don't get me wrong though, an FPS can be fun and easy to create as well if you keep it simple...

Probably best if you noted any restrictions if any or any sense of descriptions of what options you may have been given too...

A lot of Argosy students on here ^^ [Not me though]

Happy to help where needed

Good luck!

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Posted: 16th Sep 2013 17:02
I can use plugins, and yeah our instructors inform us to register here and post on the forums

Thank you for the quick reply, and the recommendations.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2013 17:47
Quote: "I was just wondering can anybody give me any advice on how to tackle 3D using DBP?"

I think the most important rules to abide to (when producing anything really) are:
1) KISS (keep it simple, stupid)
2) Prioritise functionality over beautification
3) Baby steps

Point 1) is clear.

Point 2) in regard to DBPro: Don't be afraid to use cubes, spheres, ugly textures and images, stupid sounds, and no music during development as placeholders. You can always change them later. It's a complete waste of time if you work on the small details of how your main character's hair should look before you've programmed basic movement and combat. Sort out your priorities and get gameplay working before you start working on graphics.

Point 3): Do things in small steps. Making a game is no trivial task, and can quickly overwhelm you if you try to implement it as a big picture. Break it down into tiny tasks - things you could do within an hour - prioritise them and implement them one by one without thinking too much about all of the other things you need to do.

Also note that we're here to help you, but we can't write your program for you. We will happily help if you're stuck on one of your baby steps.


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Posted: 16th Sep 2013 17:59 Edited at: 16th Sep 2013 18:12
Hi there
As MrValentine says, a race game is not that simple, and could be to much for a begginer, but that is true that in a race game we don't need any AI. In one of my neverending game (like all of them), I made my own circuit-road and add some cars that continuosly change color so the player thought that there were many of them. A game could be as complicated as we want it to be, but a small road with some cars is no so hard. Here is an example of my starting project...if you need any help, I will be around.

EDITED Sorry TheComet...when I answered our friend, I didn't see your comment and I don't want to confuse him...that's why I said about a small road (race game), and that is true, that we have to go step by step.
Sorry again if I could confuse someone

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Posted: 18th Sep 2013 02:46
Hi TheKid,

A racing game would be a significant challenge as an entry into 3D programming. You would realistically need a physics engine to make the calculations. Programming the AI cars with proper physics also would present a lot of difficulty. My advice: plan on making a racing game when you have more experience

A simple FPS is do-able, but even a simple one will take some effort. Using primitives as placeholders is a good idea. Do you have to make the models yourself (I assume), or can you use someone else's?

Making a platformer is also a good idea and would probably be the easiest to make.

So many games to little time.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 18th Sep 2013 12:50 Edited at: 18th Sep 2013 12:54
So, how long have you been using DBPRO? What confused you about the Hands on Book? And what have you created so far?

You can insert code in the forum and whilst highlighted, the code button above the submission field will enclose the code in tags. You can also insert lang=dbp inside the opening 'code' tag to have the forum syntax highlight your code.

Posting your code enables lots of experienced eyes to observe any paths you make towards any traps and barriers.

Again as was stated, a proper racing game is not easy; I can testify, it is taking me months to get my car to drive smoothly.

If you prefer racing games over FPS games, you might find that you will be more motivated to succeed if you stick with a racing game; or vise versa. A simple racing game you could create is like this old Micro Machines video game on the old games consoles. This should be fairly straight forward because the Y Axis (gravity vector) is static 99% of the time.

2D games can be realized in 3D, you can even change the camera angle to capture some interesting angles.

There is also a motorbike demo in the DBPRO example folder that could be modified into an old style motorbike game, or perhaps like Outrun in 3D.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2013 02:54 Edited at: 27th Sep 2013 02:56
What I found confusing about 3D was getting my head around the way the coordinate system was set up. Somehow, having the XZ plan and Y as the vertical axis seemed wrong.

Anyway, if you want some ideas for 3D games have a look at the 20 line challenge board.

driving games

shooting game

platform games (mouse look, left mouse button to jump, arrow keys to move)

I think the trick to this sort of assignment is, as TheComet said, to keep it simple.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2013 04:13
Quote: "Somehow, having the XZ plan and Y as the vertical axis seemed wrong."

That's pretty much how 3D works. Z is the depth. Y is up-down with X left-right, as you'd expect on any 2D grid.

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