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FPSC Classic Models and Media / [LOCKED] Question for Bond1

Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 21st Sep 2013 19:05 Edited at: 21st Sep 2013 19:23
Is it possible to add Illumination (as with the illuminationent.fx shader) to the tangentbasis shader for entities?

I want to keep the look of the metal you can get with the tangentbasis shader, but want to add light effects. Is this possible?


Or... If anyone knows of an alternative please let me know. Thanks.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2013 23:07
Exactly the same question I've been asking as of recently.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2013 01:59
How about creating a separate entity, duplicated from the original, but with a blank texture aside from the light spots with illuminationent.fx applied, and in the same position as the original light? Or is that too much of a fuss? I'm not sure either way, but thought it may not hurt to mention.

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Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2013 10:57 Edited at: 24th Sep 2013 00:15
I have used a similar method using the animated shader, and made it a segment. It looks good, but placement is of coarse limited.

Since this console is a segment, I can add the lights, and screens entity as a seperate part in the .fps already lined up. One click, and your done. Same as a door or window. But thats a lot of extra work that could be avoided if we had an illumination capable shader in the tangent basis set.

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2013 23:07
I find it a bit tedious to try to overlay another object on top of another to get these effects.

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Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2013 23:50 Edited at: 26th Sep 2013 03:18
I know, it's a pain. It's why I chose to make these items segments instead of entities. This way I can use tangentbasis on the segment part, and add the lights as an entity using an illuminated, or animated shader.

Like this...

because the rods are segments, I can use the same shader (tangentbasis) that is used on the surrounding walls, and it all blends in nicly together.

Problem is... Your very limited in placement options as they are segments, and it would be great to have an entity shader that could do this on it's own.

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Posted: 25th Sep 2013 14:39 Edited at: 25th Sep 2013 14:39
I obviously can't be of assistance here Cosmic, but, they are some nice looking models my friend! Would you be offended if I were to make something similar for my game?

I obviously won't copy it, just the idea.


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Posted: 25th Sep 2013 18:41 Edited at: 26th Sep 2013 03:02
unfamillia: Thanks buddy. These new models are all part of my next model pack. "Rise of the Machines". It's a large collection of all types of animated, and static machines with a ton of effects. Here's a little teaser.... The Loader. comes in animated, and static versions.

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starmind 001
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Posted: 26th Sep 2013 02:44
That looks a lot better when you recorded it. Nice to see my animations working good for you.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2013 03:00 Edited at: 26th Sep 2013 03:06
Thanks Buddy, Yeah it did turn out pretty nice. And thanks again for helping sort that out. I'm still having issues with Milkshape, and as soon as I'm done with this pack I'm going to take your advice and try out Blender. I see what you meant about all the features.

And I'm getting "Really" frustrated with MilkShape, and think it's time to move on to something better.

Say, you've played around with Shaders, what do you think? Can this effect be achieved with a single entity shader?

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starmind 001
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Posted: 26th Sep 2013 03:37 Edited at: 26th Sep 2013 03:38
You should ask Uzi or Rolfy directly. As far as getting the effects you would you could "Bake" the textures and use the animated shader or illumination shaders.

However, milkshape is not going to bake anything, but blender can or 3ds, maya, blah, blah and blah. Video textures would be the next thing I would go with as you can use say bonds dynamic entity shader with the video texture.

Just throwing ideas based on what I have seen from Rolfy.

EDIT: Send me that arc thingy and I could try a few things.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2013 07:49
That's incredible work Cosmic Prophet. A lot of work and detail went into that machine. I love the cab and guard rail. The hydraulic action of the legs.. just wow
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Posted: 26th Sep 2013 19:29 Edited at: 26th Sep 2013 19:37
ncmako: Thanks bud. I just recently began playing "Black Mesa" again, and thought that the walker in the beginning credits was really neat, and wanted to do something similar (but way bigger, with a more practical design for loading and transporting heavy equiptment, or barrels, whatever).

Starmind: Sure thing my friend, I'd like to see what you can come up with. I'll shoot it over to you today.

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Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 26th Sep 2013 20:22
HEH-HEH, this seems to have turned into a WIP thread. So... If its not too much trouble, Can the next MOD who drops by, change the title of the thread to "Rise of the Machines WIP". Thanks guys!
I'll just continue here instead of starting a new thread.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2013 00:18

Great looking model. If I may be so bold; just a teeny bit of criticism. The animations could do with being changed. Unless its being used in a zero gravity environment, I don't think it would realistically move. It should really 'walk' by moving the opposite feet. Like other quadrupeds. So, the front left moves forward in time with the back right, then the front right moves forward with the back left. That way, there is always a foot either side of the machine to support its weight.

Anyway, they are your models and these are just my opinions.

Keep up the great work mate.


starmind 001
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Posted: 27th Sep 2013 06:54 Edited at: 27th Sep 2013 06:57
Quote: " It should really 'walk' by moving the opposite feet. Like other quadrupeds. So, the front left moves forward in time with the back right, then the front right moves forward with the back left. That way, there is always a foot either side of the machine to support its weight. "

Cp originally did animate it that way, but I decided on an image.In the image it is all four on the ground and has a sliding action with spring step.

So yes you are right for realism the loader should support its weight like a cockroach would.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2013 08:33
Quote: "Cp originally did animate it that way"

Well, maybe if Dale still has the original skeleton, he could supply both versions?

Great work BTW as always, another one for my collection.


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Posted: 27th Sep 2013 12:37
Nice work but the loader as everyone has said would not support the weight check out halflife intro the loader there is how I would go about it as also said above.

As for the shader I'm thinking maybe animated texture the way to go to achieve what you want.

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starmind 001
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Posted: 29th Sep 2013 05:06


Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 29th Sep 2013 07:58
I made a short one too. Looks great Bro!

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Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 1st Oct 2013 17:00
I have found a solution for the shader issue thanks.

This can be locked. Thanks.

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