Hello, I'll give a little more info below, but I am wondering whether it's worth me playing with DB Pro first, or just jumping in to AppGameKit for what I need.
I want to write AI for a chess variant. My strength is in AI and Algorithmics, not in graphics or interface programming, so I'd like an easy way of designing a working User Interface which could easily be driven by the game engine.
Eventually, all this will have to happen on an Android device for greater propagation, but currently I would be happy to play in Windows just to get the programming concepts for this particular game working.
I would like to design a basic version of the game in Windows which would allow users to play vs the AI, play eachother on one machine or even play eachother 'by mail' on the internet, the way Android 'Scrabble-esque' apps work.
It might be useful to mock this up in DB Pro before tackling the Android API and probably coding the AI in C++ later.
Is DB Pro anything like the old STOS Basic package from around 1990? I used that to create games for my wife and children back in the day and found the user interfaces very easy to create.
Now, my background *sighs*
I started out coding 8-bit Hex in around 1979 on home made MP systems, then moved on to BASIC on a Commodore PET 1000 and produced modified versions of the ELIZA AI code.
I got a Spectrum in 1983 and learned z80 Assembler and C (White Lightning/Machine Lightning) and hacked several games over the years to change features I didn't like.
I moved into AI coding with TicTacToe and Chess in the mid 80s thanks to a superb book by David Levy (Chess GM) and learned C++ around 1990 continuing to produce boardgame AI.
During and after a degree course at Keele (Comp Sci + Environmental Management) I modelled population sustainability and rewrote several erroneous equations in use by economists *chuckles* before being dragged into FPS 'bot' coding by friends who couldn't get a stable internet connection to play online.
I worked on games like Quake, Quake 2, Kingpin, SiN, UT and others coding human-like opponents and producing conversions for Arcade Machine manufacturers before retiring around the year 2000 owing to my wife's ill health.
She says I've been like a bear with a sore head for over 10 years now and urged me to pick up coding again, please! So - here I am, ready to dip my toe into the waters with a game project firmly in mind and wondering what tools to play with.
Is DB Pro a complete production environment?
AGK seems to need a Microsoft environment such as Visual Studio - will thge free versions work, or do I need to spend more money there?
Version 2 of AppGameKit is in the pipeline, would it be worth waiting for that?
Will DB Pro Elite happen anytime soon?
I'll probably think of more questions, but I think that's enough for now. I just don't want to buy something and find out that it won't do what I want without spending more money on it. *chuckles*
So - basic requirements:
1) Be able to draw a chessboard and pieces in 2D (later upgrade to 3D possible)
2) Allow user input to move pieces in various ways
3) On screen display of number of moves made, possible notation, etc.
4) Handle Menu input easily
5) Sound/Voice output
6) Usual splash screens at start, menu, win or lose game, etc.
I really don't mind doing it all twice if it's going to be easier to create V1.0 in DB Pro, as long as some of what I learn will be applicable to AGK.
Looking forward to hearing some thoughts and hoping the community is active enough to get any!
Mutant Ninja Grandfather