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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Need help with a fullscreen shader!

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Joined: 1st Sep 2008
Location: Italy
Posted: 27th Sep 2013 10:41
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to get colors back into the "Edge Detect" shader from DarkShader (since it makes thw Whole scene black and White), but I can't find a way to do that. Does anybody knows? (I don't know if I can post the shader code from Dark Shader) Otherwise, is there already a full screen edge detect shader with colors available? Thanks!
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 27th Sep 2013 17:14
Hi Stalker93
Do you mean something like this..(see attached pic)
Look into/search "watercolor" shader with edge detect.


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Joined: 1st Sep 2008
Location: Italy
Posted: 28th Sep 2013 10:10 Edited at: 28th Sep 2013 10:26
That's exactly what I'm lookin for! But can't find anything using search barTrying on the web! Where did you get that? You made it yourself?

EDIT: Nevermind, found it Thank you so much!

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