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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Problem with my arteria3d "buildings"

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Joined: 8th Oct 2012
Posted: 27th Sep 2013 20:12
Im getting stuck or slidin to death when i step inside the "houses" or another places you have to get in.

Please help me if you have any information to stop this happening.
My game needs this.
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Joined: 8th Nov 2007
Location: Luxemburg
Posted: 28th Sep 2013 00:38
What pack are you refering to?

Make sure that your fpe has this command in it:

Quote: "collisionmode = 1"

If not, there might be nothing you can do about it. FPSC's collision is not the best and I generally advise against using full buildings you can enter.

You can remove the floor in modeling software and replace it with segments ... I'd really need more information about the models you are referring to.

"absurdity has become necessity"
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Joined: 8th Oct 2012
Posted: 28th Sep 2013 01:56
Im referring to the dungeon pack. I was so desperate that i even tried your dojo's fpe (so yes collision mode=1 and your models are awesome btw) Once i tried to turn it as a segment i got it working almost, i got there walkin without any errors but not without fpsc's square ceiling on top of me -.- ....

Oh no... did i really bought this pack for nothing

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