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FPSC Classic Models and Media / *New Camos* W.I.P

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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 07:44
So im thinking of releasing a como pack this
Its a character clothes camo gun camo and new glove camo FPSC READY

please post a comment of what you
think thanks

Screen shots:

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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 10:38
You did a decent job on the maincharacter's gloves, no offense but the G36 and baddies retextures seems to be done very quickly.

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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 10:54 Edited at: 30th Sep 2013 10:57
Thanks man i respect you for that

here a video showing it in action

there will be more im gonna try to do a hq gold gun
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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 13:08
Not sure I'm liking the red camo tbh but the gloves look good, never understand why people want red camo anyway but that just me.

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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 16:31
It appears that you just laid a camo texture over the original texture. It can be seen where the gun parts join together and even in the gloves. There is no depth left in the textures. They are all flat now. It might work better if you blend it in using an alpha layer to retain some of the original texture/depth, but it still won't be right until you create it from scratch.

Quote: "never understand why people want red camo"

It's in case you're fighting on a lava flow or in hell. Like in DOOM!

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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 18:07
did I release that skybox or did you just rip it from my game?

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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 21:45
bugsy i did get it from your game i wanted to see it but i wont be using it no more because my favorite sky-box is the sun from green nature
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Posted: 30th Sep 2013 21:47 Edited at: 1st Oct 2013 01:05
Camo Pack Update#2
in action


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Posted: 1st Oct 2013 04:55 Edited at: 1st Oct 2013 04:56
First of all: Its really bad tone to rip content from other games and present something with it. You didn't even write something as simple as "I took it from Bugsy's game, hope thats alright". bad attitude. Same with the gears of war stuff in your gameproject.

Your first few camos are bad. I mean really bad. These aren't retextures you just replaced the guns texture with a solid camouflage. Same with the characters. Every sense of details is lost and I can't describe how substandart this is without being unnecessary mean. Somehow you still decided to make a thread and even a video with these things and I as this of you: just really look at these textures. Do you think these look good and could make anyones game look better as you claim at the end of your video?

You clearly know a little about blending and transparency as the glove in your first screenshots uses it...why not keep at it?

You can clearly see where the camouflage on the hand goes out of tiling on the hand in your second shots for example. Something that is all over that M249. (just to point out something that is wrong with it and can be easily fixed).

I think that if you want to work on texturepacks you should first get behind the basics of editing textures. However, you didn't tell us anything about how you modify these textures nor what program you use which tells me that you just want to show us these things and ...why? We could all replicate this and I don't think this is sufficient to freely release EAI's texture work just because there is a camo texture slapped onto it.
Even if this isn't that important: your image editing software has a font tool right? These scribbled descriptions are a little zany.

On the good site: the wood characters in your video don't look bad ... but again, not sufficiently modified to be freely released.

Things you can do if you want to improve here are looking at actual camouflaged guns and see what parts get painted and which ones don't. You can also remove the camo from these bullets on the M249. I'd start with the G36 myself if I where you because...look at it!

I hope I wasn't too discouraging and I hope you carry with and improve on these textures. Best of luck!

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Posted: 1st Oct 2013 05:36 Edited at: 1st Oct 2013 05:38
@wolf this wasnt discouraging this is what i need to make me do better because m trying my best

just tell me what im good is it the glove you like the best or you like some of the guns or characters. please comment thanks
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Posted: 1st Oct 2013 11:32 Edited at: 1st Oct 2013 11:33
Here's a great tutorial by Kravenwolf on how to apply a new layer on weapons, this tutorial have been designed to do golden weapons but I think it should work for applying a camo layer.

Edit : Hmm, no it doesn't.

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2013 05:30
i wonder if ur gonna make more
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Posted: 4th Oct 2013 19:47

They are all, all of them just camo textures taken from Google Images, CGtextures, or problably ripped from games. They can't be "One's good, the other's bad" because you didn't make any of them. If any, they could look better due to the texture, but you have no technique of adding them so they are plain camos on weapons. WHICH in turn makes each and everyone on them simple textures that you added nothing to.

In essence, it would be awesome if you could learn more skills on how to add them, by following Kravenwolf's tutorial, for example. It's extremely simple once you get the hang of it.

I also would like to note your further use of copyrighted and user privacy breaching content will get you banned. So please stop. :/

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