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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Naming Function Parameters

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Joined: 10th Jan 2010
Location: United States
Posted: 28th Oct 2013 02:27
Hey everyone! I wasn't sure about this so I thought I would put it on the forum. When passing a parameter to a function, if what you are passing is a variable is it okay to name it the same thing as the parameter in the function, such as passing number(size) to FUNCTION number(size). See how the variables are the same name? I tested it and it works, but wanted to make sure this wasn't taboo or something. Thanks!
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Posted: 28th Oct 2013 05:31
Absolutely, nothing wrong with doing that.
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Posted: 28th Oct 2013 08:36 Edited at: 28th Oct 2013 08:36
That should work; the function will use its local version (the parameter) when you refer to size in it. This holds true even if you have a global variable named size.

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Posted: 28th Oct 2013 20:17
Thanks for answering my question, it is appreciated.
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Posted: 11th Nov 2013 01:31
It's fine, but ideally function parameters have abstract, generic names (since functions are for generic purposes), whilst common variables have more descriptive, context-specific names.

Formerly OBese87.

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