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Dark GDK .NET / LoadObject and Groups (AKA Limbs)

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Joined: 26th Feb 2009
Location: Buffalo NY USA
Posted: 28th Oct 2013 02:59
When I load a .X or .3DS files with multiple groups, is it loaded with the groups (limbs) in tact? I have these files set up multiple groups so I can set the colors and textures of each one. When I try to set the colors, it has no affect on the object.

I am trying \"oDB3D.ColorLimb\" method in VB.NET and it is not doing anything. Someone mentioned object needs to be affected by light and trying to figure out how to do that within code.

One alternate method is to getobjectfrom limb, color it, and glue it back, but that needs a separate object for each group.

Quote: " oDB3D.LoadObject("head15.3ds", 3)
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 0, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 1, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 2, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 3, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 4, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 5, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 6, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 7, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 8, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 9, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 10, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 11, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 12, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ColorLimb(3, 13, Int(Rnd() * 16777216))
oDB3D.ScaleObject(3, 10240, 10240, 10240)

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