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Dark GDK / Make sure you download Visual C++ express and not Visual Basic Express...

Mark Garrett
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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 05:51 Edited at: 12th Nov 2013 06:19
Wow, I've wasted hours trying to figure out why my Dark GDK wasn't working...

The answer was so simple but I did not know. So, in reverence to others who tried and failed, I will disclose the simple answer (for me anyway)..

Dark GDK will not work with 'Visual Basic Express 2008'. It only works with 'Visual C++ Express 2008'.

I have provided the download link for 'Visual C++ Express 2008' below..

If this download link doesn't work in your country, just look up in a search engine \'Visual C++ Express 2008\' and you can download it directly from microsoft that way.

Good luck...

Works on Windows 7 too.

Man is a figment of God's imagination.
Mr Bigglesworth
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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 22:07
Of course it was made for C++

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