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Dark GDK .NET / DarkGDK and Plugins

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Joined: 26th Feb 2009
Location: Buffalo NY USA
Posted: 15th Nov 2013 05:25

I am having the same issue trying to get to work with plug ins like Dark Physics, Dark Imposters, and Blitzwerks terrain. I have DarkGDK.NET and using Visual Basic. I am phasing out Truevision3D engine code and porting over to DarkGDK.NET.

I tried adding the reference from the DLL and it gave me an error stating the reference cannot be added. Make sure it is file accessible and valid com object. I used the ones from the darkgdk and darkbasic folders. Also see the .h and .lib files also, but those are for C++ and C# programmers. Could we build an usable .DLL from those and have that interface with my program?
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Posted: 19th Nov 2013 14:41 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2013 15:13
I am experimenting with the Declare Function and DllImport methods in C# and VB.NET an example of what I have done is below. VB.NET and C# (express editions) will not directly access a C++ unmanaged .DLL, or else you get an error when trying to add a reference. Hope this information is useful to anyone who wants to use DARKGDK.NET with plug-ins.


Visual Basic.NET

I could not get BlitzTerrain to work yet, when I "Make Terrain" with an ID, then set the Terrain HeightMap, it states the Terrain does not exist. May be an unseen DLL dependency.

There seems to be a serious lack of support with DarkGDK.NET with plugins.
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Posted: 6th Dec 2013 12:23
Hi there,

The plugins for DarkGDK.NET are difficult to implement, but I will put some more detailed information together for you. I'm away from my PC presently, but leave this with me and I'll post this weekend with more information.

The thing to bare in mind, is that the DGDKPlugins.dll file contains a managed class that should be used for plugin development, and this is documented in the Advanced Help file that comes with the toolkit. The problem is that the main DarkBASIC Professional plugins are not strictly compatable with DarkGDK.NET because of the way in which the engine is initialised.

As said, I'll post some more details this weekend to hopefully point you in the right direction.


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Joined: 26th Feb 2009
Location: Buffalo NY USA
Posted: 21st Dec 2013 06:15
Thank you very much, I would like to see what you come up with. I am in the middle of doing a few other things and will be getting back to this after the new year.

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