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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP] Proverbs Challenge - Android

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2013 22:53 Edited at: 10th Mar 2014 16:44
Hello All,

As of yesterday, 01/22/2014, my app was submitted to the Amazon App store!!

Updated 01/28/2014: Amazon Approved!!

For use on Kindles, you can download the APK from my website: (not sure why Amazon won't make it available on the Kindle though)

Thanks to all of you that have helped me get this done!

Proverbs Challenge - Version 1.0

The book of Proverbs! Challenge yourself to read a chapter a day for a year or more. You won't be sorry! Proverbs was written mostly by the wisest man to ever live, King Solomon. He teaches you how to live and conduct yourself on a daily basis, to keep you out of harms way and how to prosper in everything you do! Hundreds of subjects are taught about, with the wisdom that could only have been inspired by God himself!

Product features:
• Automatically loads the chapter matching today's date.
• Reads the scripture to you, if you want it to, so you can follow along.
• Set the audio to cycle, so the chapter is read over and over again. Great for memorizing!
• Choose a different chapter, if you want to read more.
• Pause and Resume features, if you need to take a break.
• More to come!

Thanks Again!!


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Posted: 25th Nov 2013 22:26 Edited at: 23rd Jan 2014 17:38
EDIT: Put all info in top post.
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 19:32
Bump!! App Completed and submitted to Amazon!!

All info in top post!
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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 17:06
Amazon Approved!! Link is in the first post. (bump)
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 17:19
Congratulations and good luck!

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 28th Jan 2014 17:59
Thanks AL!! Hope your enjoying your new home.
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 03:00
The only thing wrong with it (aside from being a hotel for now) is that my hubby is not here and won't be for months. And Saturday is our anniversary.

When the sky is clear, I have a great view of the mountains as I approach my hotel.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 16:00
Well, Happy Anniversary anyway!! Maybe he'll surprise you and show up!

I know this is off-topic, but how many years will this be, if you don't mind me asking?

This year will be 23 for my Wife and I.
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 16:54
Than you. It will be 17 years.

Between his work, the need to get the house emptied (almost done), fixed up and on the market and the cost, he won't surprise me. We do have a sort of planned visit later next month (maybe).

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 10th Mar 2014 16:41
Hello Moderators!

I know this isn't a game, but since it was developed with AppGameKit and published by Amazon, would it be possible to get a Developer Badge?

I have another AppGameKit project, that will be a game, being developed exclusively for OUYA. The basic game play is complete, so it is well on its way, but still has a ways to go before release.

Thank you for your consideration.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 04:35
You should definitely get a Developer Badge. It should not have anything to do with the type of application, only that it was published.

Congratulations on that.

Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester and AppGameKit Master

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