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Newcomers DBPro Corner / DBpro free question

captain caveman
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Joined: 9th Dec 2013
Posted: 10th Dec 2013 20:54
can you make an executable file with DB pro free? I mean like a stand alone file that doesn't require a version of DBpro software to run?
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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 00:51
Yes, as far as I know the only difference is that you get some advertisements in the editor (which usually bugs out and displays those even to peole with the full version by the way).
However, I think that you need to buy it to obtain a commercial license, that is you're not permitted to sell anything you make with the free version.
I'm not entirely sure whether that is true as of current, but I'm pretty sure it was a while back at least.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 22:11
Every time you compile (F4) or compile/run (F5) you are creating the EXE file. Just check the folder you're saving your project to.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2013 02:43 Edited at: 12th Dec 2013 02:46
To truly be a stand alone, you would have to compile an .exe that includes the media. This can be setup based upon the editor you are using. I typically use CodeSurge, but it also can be done with the one that comes with DBPro (Synergy, I think). I expect other editors will have this option too.

A 'normal executable' is what I think the editor defaults to. In other words, your media is typically in the same folder as the .dba/.dbpro files or has a path to the folder that is given within your program. The media is not included within the .exe and if you move the .exe file somewhere else on your computer it will error because it cannot find the files it needs.

Since it takes a little longer to compile a stand alone for larger programs, I usually will create normal executables while in development and then create a stand alone when I am "finished" with the game, or if I want to give it to someone to try out.

I've never used DBPro free, but I expect you will be able to create stand alone .exes with it.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2013 22:06
yeah that advertisement bugs out and ends up smack dab in the middle of your editor screen forever makes using it a real challenge like driving a car with a beach ball in the front window for a blind spot lol

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