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NaGaCreMo / Indigo Eclipse [Unity] [2014]

Blobby 101
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Posted: 5th Jan 2014 19:08

Hey guys, so December went a lot faster than I expected, and I didn't get anything sorted out for the project I was going to be continuing for NaGaCreMo, so instead here's something new

It's a (slightly cyberpunk themed) third person spy/stealth game, using all new, state of the art graphics that are literally unparalleled by any AAA game ever made! (read: a bunch of coloured boxes).


I'm probably gonna upload a demo or something at some point before the end of January (hopefully!)


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Posted: 6th Jan 2014 06:46
This looks beautiful!

"everyone forgets a semi-colon sometimes." - Phaelax
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Posted: 6th Jan 2014 11:53
Thanks Zotoaster! The style was more for convenience (not having to make textures for everything) than anything else, so I'm glad you actually think it looks good! xD

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Posted: 6th Jan 2014 17:31
I love the graphics! It actually enhances the cyberpunk feel it has going. Good stuff.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2014 22:32
I, too, am loving the art style. Really excited to see what you come up with here.

Blobby 101
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Posted: 7th Jan 2014 22:57 Edited at: 7th Jan 2014 22:58
Thanks guys! Really appreciate it

I've started adding these consoles to the game.

They activate when you get close enough to them (the holographic bits turn on and it lights up), and you'll be able to use them to hack into security systems, unlock doors etc.

I was wondering what people thought about hacking minigames though? Personally, I prefer having to actually do something to get stuff done, but I'm not a fan of overly 'game-y' ones (like in Mass Effect 1), I much prefer it when they at least resemble the idea of hacking (like Deus Ex: Human Revolution). Would something like that be a good idea to implement, or do you prefer just "Hold E to hack" or whatever?


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Posted: 8th Jan 2014 06:24
I would definitely suggest more realism in the hacking. Not to the point where the player has to write shell scripts of course, but something that actually resembles a computer and the player is using their brain to solve a puzzle.

"everyone forgets a semi-colon sometimes." - Phaelax
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Jan 2014 19:44
This looks really cool! I like the art style for sure.

Come check out my new website!
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Posted: 8th Jan 2014 21:41
With good shaders cubes look beautiful... you hear that Minecraft?

Formerly OBese87.
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Posted: 9th Jan 2014 23:25
Thanks Libervurto and Yodaman

And you're right Zotoaster, just need to come up with something good now

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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 03:42
Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what language are you writing this in?

I'm with Zotoaster on the hacking part. But we're computer nerds, we tend to see how absurd hacking looks in games and movies. The average person probably doesn't want it to be too realistic or too complex.

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Posted: 29th Jan 2014 10:28
Quote: "Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what language are you writing this in?"
In the title It's made in Unity 3D (using JS for the code).

Quote: "I'm with Zotoaster on the hacking part. But we're computer nerds, we tend to see how absurd hacking looks in games and movies. The average person probably doesn't want it to be too realistic or too complex."

I actually ended up with a slightly different idea - I'll post a demo up later today, but I think it works better if you don't really know what to expect beforehand - just that it's incredibly 'realistic'
especially if your only reference point for hacking is hollywood!

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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 01:44
This looks really cool, really like the art style even if it was just for convenience.

I think a tight deadline focuses the brain and you come up with simple solutions. If you had more time, you would probably do something more elaborate but it wouldn't have the same style. It may not even be as good.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 00:50
So it took an extra 4 days, and I had to cut down on a lot of the things I wanted to add, but I'm pretty pleased with the results It's only really a proof of concept that I might flesh out a bit later, so you'll probably finish it in about <5 minutes. There's also no instructions apart from a few hints in the intro, as I think it works a bit better when you don't know exactly what to expect

You can play it here, though you'll need the Unity Web Player installed: PLAY GAME

Well done to anyone else who finished, especially anyone who finished on time! xD

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 10:55
Well I definitely didn't finish on time. I wasted too much time redoing a portion of code, and it's still messy. But hopefully I'll have this portion finished today and then I can star adding enemies.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2014 15:44
I tried to play this last night, it loaded up fine and went through the intro without issue but it was the controls that didn't seem to work properly. I don't know what the issue was but it was like the mouse was hyper sensitive and it was difficult to move the character. I made it as far as the hacking the computer.

It's a shame because I really like this look of this, cutting through the sky light was a nice touch, and I could see me playing a full game in this style.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2014 00:02
Aw, that's a shame - I'm not sure what the issue is tbh :S

I'll add a mouse sensitivity option to the menu, see if that fixes it

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