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NaGaCreMo / Spaceward (Multiplayer, HTML5) [2014]

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Posted: 14th Jan 2014 05:36 Edited at: 14th Jan 2014 05:37
Alright, finally getting around to sharing some screenshots and such about my game. As a work-in-progress title, I'm calling it 'Spaceward'. I unfortunately may not be able to get the content creation process started for another week or two (yay organizing teams), but I will continue working on the engine as planned this month.

Spaceward is a multiplayer sidescrolling spaceship combat game. The basic structure of the gameplay is based on team-based multiplayer games like League of Legends and Tribes: Ascend. In a single game, which will last about 20 minutes, players form teams of up to 10 (?). Their goal is to capture the enemy team's Core while preventing theirs from being captured.

How combat works: each player chooses a ship from the list of unique ship classes. These ships have different shapes, movement speeds, and most importantly, hardpoints. Players customize their ship by placing weapons, abilities, and other things like that on the ship's hardpoints.

Rather than having health, ships are per-pixel destructible. To kill a ship, the enemy must destroy enough pixels to shoot the ship's core several times. Some pixels are armored, and some ships have more pixels in different places than others, so strategic positioning is necessary to be effective.

Here is an exciting picture showing a point being captured!

The other thing I'm working on at the moment is a tool for editing the game data. I'm adapting it from a tool I made for the game Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, which I fortunately made very generic. Here is a less exciting picture of that

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Posted: 15th Jan 2014 09:28
"Help text will go here" - Brilliant! =P

Looking good!

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Posted: 16th Jan 2014 23:41
Quote: "ships are per-pixel destructible"

I really like this idea.

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Joined: 30th Dec 2005
Location: E:/ NA / USA
Posted: 11th May 2014 09:12 Edited at: 11th May 2014 09:12
Hey, guys. Long time, no update. I just finished recording a trailer for the local IEEE GameSIG competition. Seemed like a good time to give an update here.

We've got boatloads of new art, ships, and particle effects. Also, screenshake. So that's going well.

I'm dealing right now with a load of network performance woes. Since (the standard library for HTML5 game networking) uses JSON to send all its packets, it's, well, pretty darn inefficient. I'll have to work out ways to keep the size and number of those down.

It's available in 1080p - use it!

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