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Android / Build APK for Android doesn´t work

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Joined: 15th Jan 2014
Posted: 15th Jan 2014 15:36
Hey Guys,

I´have made a simple HelloWorld App.
On windows it works perfect!

Now, i tryed to upload it to
No errors! I download the .apk file an put it on my SGS2.
After that i installed the HelloWorld.apk.
No errors!

But than, i start the app... 1 sec black screen then the app is closed -.-

what have I done wrong?

The Daddy
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Posted: 27th Feb 2014 20:37
Firstly, you have not set any virtual resolutions and screen orientations! How can your device display anything when you have not told it how you will display something?

Look at SetVirtualResolution....

Also, try one of the example programs that come with the app game kit! If these work then your code is missing something.
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2014 01:32
Shouldn't need to do that. It should default to some resolution.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2014 20:50
The default display mode is the percentage system. I think the default orientation is everything supported and controlled by device orientation.

Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester and AppGameKit Master

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