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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP] Shoe Scuffle 2 -- An Educational Example

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Posted: 8th Feb 2014 07:53 Edited at: 8th Feb 2014 17:15
Hello everyone!

I'm not all too well known here, but I've been lurking for years and used TGC's products since I can remember. So, in order to give back to the community which I love I decided to take an afternoon and write up a clone of a popular game and release a tutorial video taking you step by step my design process, and line by line of my code with reasons I did it that way etc.

I would hope that by doing this someone out there may learn a little something to get their own project started or insight to a problem they faced. If one person out there learns something from my efforts then I'll be very happy

So without further ado I present to you, Shoe Scuffle 2, a modified clone of Flappy Bird. Why did I choose this? Well, for one, Flappy Bird uses a similar mechanic I used in my original Shoe Scuffle game ( a Joust clone ) that I never got to finish entirely and it's the #1 game on iOS and Android markets. I should be able to cover topics ranging from image and sprite management, to code organization, and I plan to immediately start on advertisements as soon as I learn a best method for doing them. I also plan on covering multiplayer later on.

The code will be fully released, however not until I finish the production of the instructionals so that they will match perfectly. With enough interest I'll have those things put together quite quickly. I wanted to first stir up some interest before I put all the extra effort in.

It will currently only be available on Android as I do not have an Apple account thingy. If anyone would like to publish on my behalf please contact me. If you're interested in being a tester, please contact me.

Agent Shadow
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Posted: 8th Feb 2014 18:39
Looks nice! it really reminds me of the game.
keep up the good work. God bless.

Lurking throughout the night...
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Posted: 26th Feb 2014 07:44
Hello victordavion.

The game looks pretty good and most of all it seems to be flawless in terms of performance (FPS drops and such).

We are new to tgc/AGK and having some difficulties getting our first game running smoothly.

Since our project is kinda similiar to the game style of Shoe Scuffle 2 we would be very grateful for the step by step tutorial you mentioned.

I'm pretty sure this could solve at least some, if not all, of the performance issues we are facing right now.



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Joined: 3rd Jan 2012
Posted: 16th Mar 2014 15:13
Hey there,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been out of town and haven't had a chance to check my mail until now. To get you going, I've included the full source for the game in the attachment here.


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