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Geek Culture / Share desktop between computers?

DBPro Master
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Posted: 16th Feb 2014 04:23
So imagine your typical dual monitor setup. You can move a window from one screen to another. Now picture two computers side by side with one monitor each, both on the same network. Is there a program that can let me share the desktops between the two as if each one had a dual monitor setup? Would that be possible?

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Posted: 16th Feb 2014 12:24
They did it on 24, I don't know how though. Presumably there is software available which will allow this..

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Posted: 16th Feb 2014 13:30 Edited at: 16th Feb 2014 13:32
I've used Synergy in the past, is this the sort of thing you are looking for?

It shares a mouse, keyboard, clipboard and allows for file drag and drop. But I don't think it'll let you drag windows across.

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Posted: 16th Feb 2014 15:15 Edited at: 16th Feb 2014 15:16
That synergy looks like a cool idea. If only I had a spare machine to use to take advantage of it!

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Posted: 16th Feb 2014 15:39
VNC let's you do that.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 16th Feb 2014 15:54
I have been looking for something like this aswell and synergy might just bee exactly what I need. Does it stream the audio to the main computer aswell so you could turn on a youtube video or something on the secondary and use the same headphones?

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Posted: 16th Feb 2014 17:19
Quote: "Does it stream the audio to the main computer aswell so you could turn on a youtube video or something on the secondary and use the same headphones?"

No. The sound is played on the system it is opened on.

Synergy (and Input Director) allow you to "jump" from your main system to the other defined system and launch apps on it. It is handy if you have a dual monitor setup on a desktop and need a third screen for something else to be open. We use both Synergy or Input Director on our network using two desktops with dual monitors and two laptops. So if I am using the desktop to code in FPSC or DBP, I may use either Synergy or Input Director to jump to the laptop screen to open my design doc in word or launch Photoshop and my script editor to do my huds and scripts while designing my level(s).

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Posted: 17th Feb 2014 05:32
I used synergy in the past, but it was a long time ago and I think it only allowed sharing a mouse/keyboard between computers. I don't think it let you share a clipboard or anything. I'll take a new look at it.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2014 09:43
Does it count if one machine is virtual? VMWare Player lets you do it with your VMs and fileshares through a virtual network... Then it definitely should be possible with two physical machines. How would this be beneficial though?

John Y
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Posted: 17th Feb 2014 11:13

Synergy Editor - Available for free HERE!

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