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iOS and MacOS / Some Image Sizes Change when bringing them in to Xcode

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Posted: 21st Feb 2014 23:25
I have a question that maybe someone can help with... After bringing in my code to Xcode, most of my images are sized properly in the build/run I perform, but there are a few (mainly bg images) that are 1/4 the size they should be.

Just a little background... I used Tier 1 and set a virtual resolution, not percentages.

Any help or hints as to what is going on would be greatly appreciated. I'd just like my images to be 1:1 in size compared to how they were running in AGK.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 24th Feb 2014 00:22
How big are the images? There is a maximum size that iOS works with.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 24th Feb 2014 18:53
Thanks for the reply. Most of the images that are smaller on the xcode side are 1136x640.
AGK Master
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Posted: 25th Feb 2014 18:45
Is AppGameKit that don't read more than 1024x768.
In fact i use 2 images of 568x640 to get them.

Long life to Steve!
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 26th Feb 2014 03:53
It's not that AppGameKit won't read the file. It is how the platform handles it.

I experienced a similar issue when I tried to do something with an image that was in excess of 1024 in width. I would have to dig through my code to figure out how I got around it. But I think it was by explicitly setting the sprite size to what I knew the image to be. I haven't really had time since my move up to Alaska to work on my WIP or AppGameKit at all, yet.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 27th Feb 2014 02:12
Well, is also an AppGameKit bug, cause if you try to call the images with the @2x it fail.
If i remember well, also Paul said a thing like this.

But i'm not really sure.

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 27th Feb 2014 20:09
Thanks for the info. I just made the images smaller, to about 1024 pixels, and it work out just fine. But in the future, I may need to use pix bigger than 1024.

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