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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP]Robot Tower Defense

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2014 19:16 Edited at: 11th May 2014 17:31

Project Name
- TowerBots (Robot Tower Defense)

I'm new on AppGameKit (I have begin the 19th feb 2014 ^^).
To test the langage possibilities before buy it, I have started a little game : Robot Tower Defense.

It's a cartoon game, because I like cartoon game .

screenshot & Medias
All screenshots are WIP.

V 0.2.9 (04/04/2014) :

V 0.2.4 (19/03/2014)

v 0.2.2 (15/03/2014)

V 0.1.8 (27/02/2014)

V 0.1.2 (23/02/2014)

Drawings, 2D
- 25 robots are drawned
- 10 robots are made in 3D (with blender)
- 2 maps are finished
- The UI aren't finished.

The game will have some classic features, like in other Tower Defense Game :
- add towers to defende our post
- sell a tower if needed
- update the towers
- approx 15 levels (15 maps), 30 monsters (robots), 8 towers
- some options (difficulty, langage ?, ...)


- tool : spritesheet maker
- New Start screen
- New UI
- Map 1 and 2 finished
- add a "level complete" menu
- animation : the sprite of the mobs change with the direction of the mobs
- minor corrections

- Level changing
- boss ennemi
- new stuff for UI and info-towers

- add the bullet of the tower (move, destroy when collision...)

- speed X1/X2
- options buttons and menus
- Towers : sale or update the tower
- Zoom +/-

- load/save a party

03/03/2014 :
- tests on android : correction of the android bugs ^^

01/03/2014 :
- creation of a bitmap font tool to create some bitmap font

27/02/2014 (v 0.18)
- add buttons and start screen
- add the screen system

26/02/2014 (v0.17)
- add the tower system : if we have money, if place is free...
- add robots
- new shapes for collision (calculed by the "range" of the tower)

23/02/2014 (V 0.14)
- loading ressources (image for UI/menu (not finished) somes sprites are begun (not finished too)
- the robots move on a path
- when a robot touch my castle, I lost 1 point of life
- I can select a tower, and create it on the map, I lost the price for the tower

(Not finished)
In parallel, for this game I have created some tools, to help me to improve and code quicly the game :
- IDE for AppGameKit : it's not finished at all, but I have started a little ide to help me code with AppGameKit (with folding/autocompletion, and other interesting tools for 2D game (sprite preview, offset, boudingbox..)

- Path Creator

- Font bitmap generator

OK :
- Depth in real time (3D iso)
- wave, level
- Start Menu with buttons
- bullet and fx (agk has additive blendmode ?), damage on robots (and dead > give money)
- level change when previous level is finished

Not Finished :
- Menu (new game, continue, Options, credits...)

I hope to send it to google play and amazon store, and perhap's applestore.
I hope that the conversion for android is as easy as coding with AppGameKit (which is really fast)
[Edit : oh my god, it's just so easy ! I'm really heppy with this amasing tool )

Thanks .

PS : I code with some langage since 2010 (GML, purebasic (since 2011), and a few C#).
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2014 23:16
You got some nice art going there I love a good Tower defense game, but I think most are bad.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2014 23:53
Looks pretty cool, especially for only having worked with AppGameKit for less than a week. Im guessing the background is just an image and not generated based on the path?

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Posted: 24th Feb 2014 16:07
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Posted: 25th Feb 2014 16:28

Thank you for your anwsers !

Some news :
- Depth in real time
- Now, the tower can make damage on the robots (with a ray, a timer...)
- when the robot's life <=0 : he's dead and give us the money (based on the robot parameter)
- I have add the waves (and levels). For the moment, the waves are randomised.

Graphics :
- a new tower
- a new robot ennemy
- new buttons
(the map isn't finished)

Screenshot :

Quote: "Im guessing the background is just an image and not generated based on the path?"

Yep, it's just an image. For this first game, I want to keep it a easy as possible .
For the path, I have made a little tool to help me to create the path (I save the node/point of the path on a txt file) :

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 25th Feb 2014 22:18
The game is coming along nicely

What's the blue stuff for in the top right corner?

Are you going to render the robots from multiple angles so they turn with the path? And same with the top of the towers?

The advantage of using a single image for the background means that you can add in a lot of detail to each level.

And that's a nice looking editor, what did you use to make it?

I think you might need to be able to define squares where the player can't place the towers. Or are you going to calculate that automatically from the path?

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Posted: 27th Feb 2014 13:48
Some News

Graphics :
- 28 Robots design (in 2D)
- 4 new robots (I have 8 ennemies in the game for the moment (7/level)).
- graphics for the first menu (buttons, image, ...), the button are activated. Only the button "newgame" and "resume" open the next screen (the game).
- Background for the level 2(wip)
- new Tower 3
- some buttons change

Add :
- The first menu (wip), with buttons (I can't use virtualbutton, because they are square only for the size )
- add some crystals when a robot is dead, or when the wave or the level is finished. With crystal, we could have new towers type
- particles effect (when we have a damage on a robot or when a robot is dead)
- add a text to see the current level and wave
- the buttons of tower are activ : if we have enough money, the button is opaque, else it's transparent.
- new shape collision (circle) for towers (I define a ray in the towers parameters for the circle

Correction :
- some bugs corrections

the first menu (not finished) :

A new Screenshot (in debug mode) :

Quote: "The game is coming along nicely"


Quote: "What's the blue stuff for in the top right corner?"
the blue stuff will be a crystal (or a thing like that). The picture isn't finished.
With Crystal, we can have new towers (there are 8 differents towers max).
At the first level, we only have 3 or 4 towers.

Quote: "Are you going to render the robots from multiple angles so they turn with the path? "
Yes. I don't know if the robots will be animated (or just a little animation), but the sprite will change with direction.

Quote: "And same with the top of the towers?"
The towers have a level. We can update each tower, if we have the money.
For the moment, I think I will add 3 or 4 Levels. For each level I will have an image.
I don't know if the tower will turn with their cible. It would be great .

Quote: "The advantage of using a single image for the background means that you can add in a lot of detail to each level."

Yes, but I have to not add details too much high, I just can little detals (like flowers, hole on the earth...)

On one of my previous game, I have use a map editor to create the map with sprite, and I have this sort of result (which I like ^^):

Quote: "And that's a nice looking editor, what did you use to make it?"

I use another Basic langage which is good to create PC software (I don't know if I can say the name on this forum, but on my website, there are informations about the langage that I use ).
I make all my tools with it (map editor, drawing software, text editor and this level editor).

Quote: "I think you might need to be able to define squares where the player can't place the towers. Or are you going to calculate that automatically from the path?"

I will try the two technics to select the best.
For the moment, we can't add a tower if another tower is on the place. So I can add some forbiden squares easily with that technic.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 28th Feb 2014 09:53
Beautiful design

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Posted: 28th Feb 2014 14:55
Very nice indeed... Good work!
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2014 18:29
Awesome models, but I think the terrain graphics is hurting the overall appearance. Colors should be brighter, texture smoother with less fine detail. The style just doesn't seem to match the models.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2014 19:50

Thank you for your comments .

I have buy AppGameKit and tried my game on my phone (samsung galaxy trend) and it works great !

AGK is so excellent, it's a pleasure to see our game on PC, smartphone and tablette !!

Thank you so much TGC for this great tool .

- 2 new robots (3D and sprite)
- test on android
- bugs corrections thanks to the android version
- add a viewoffset (which is great on android phone ^^)
- add custom font for text and UI (I have made a little font editor to create my custom font)
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 02:02
Looks truly awesome I love this art style

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Posted: 14th Mar 2014 20:11

A little Artwork (test) for my game :
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Posted: 19th Mar 2014 20:43 Edited at: 19th Mar 2014 20:48

Some news
- add the bullets of the towers
- tower : we can now sale it, update it (3 levels : update the range/damage and delay)
- add a pause menu
- new functionnal buttons (speed X1/X2, options (open the option menu)
- 2 new robots
- add some boss at the final wave
- when a level is finished, we go to the next level
- a lot of correction, modification (monsters movements, display), optimisations...

Bullets in action (old version) :

Pause and menu options :

New UI, Tower properties :

Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 19th Mar 2014 21:38
I want to see a video of it

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Posted: 24th Mar 2014 17:58
Yes, this looks really nice - please add a video!
Tower defence isn't my kind of game, but I do like you graphic style.

Nice set of development tools (sprite preview and other things) - perhaps you will release some of these at some point?

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Posted: 4th Apr 2014 20:36 Edited at: 5th Apr 2014 11:07

Some news :
- I have made a little tool to create a spritesheet form several images (this tool is made in purebasic)

You can dowload it here if you're interested :

- I have add and modify the interface :
Start screen :

The game (map 1):

Quote: "perhaps you will release some of these at some point?"
Of course
I will release :
- myIde (an Ide for AppGameKit, and other langage) : I will release it when it will be finished
- SpriteSheet Maker (available in this message
- Fontbitmap generator : released when it will be finished ^^

I don't think my path generator interest someone ^^.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 00:42

easter bunny
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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 00:52
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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 11:38

Thank you

Some new screenshots

Level 1 complete :

Level 2 complete :

Now I can work on the new robots (I have to make 30 new robots for the 7 / 8 first levels ^^)
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Posted: 7th Apr 2014 03:48
So you create 3D Models then convert them to 2D Sprites to use in AppGameKit? I just found your post as I was searching for any clue on how to play 3D animated models in AGK.
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Posted: 7th Apr 2014 12:10 Edited at: 7th Apr 2014 13:55

Quote: "So you create 3D Models then convert them to 2D Sprites to use in AppGameKit? I just found your post as I was searching for any clue on how to play 3D animated models in AGK. "
Yes, I create my model (in blender) and make 2D renderings (in png). I convert my image in a spriteSheet (with my application spritesheet maker).

For 3D animation with AGk, perhap's this link would be usefull for you:
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 7th Apr 2014 14:28
The new artwork looks really nice

Here's a tip though. While I like your main menu as is, something with more action could potentially sell more. Just saying. Most people tend to prefer images with more action. Or perhaps something else, other than a peaceful image. Take a look at the PC version of Kingdom Rush for some inspiration.

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Posted: 8th Apr 2014 16:09
Looking good @Blendman ! Love your style!


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Posted: 10th Apr 2014 10:58
This is looking amazing, and thanks for sharing your spritesheet tool.

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Posted: 6th May 2014 15:22
Thank you

@BatVink : I have made a new version of my spriteSheet tool (v0.8)
The same link :

- Map and levels screen
- 5 new robots (19 in total)
- New save/load system
- new skills for tower : fire (will burn the robot during 2 seconds), ice (speed down the robot during a few second
- player level : point xp and level
- protector : it's a robot who help us to fight theennemis (at player.level = 5)
- profil screen : we have 4 profil now to play
- store screen : we can buy level for towers, more money when a robot is destroyed, more crystals after a fight, more life...
- when we discover a new robot, we have a message for his presentation
- I have add a message system (message : ok / ok-cancel...)

@Digital Awakening :
I have made a new Start screen, I think it's more dynamic

The new start screen :
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 6th May 2014 19:29
Quote: "I have made a new Start screen, I think it's more dynamic"

Definitely more suitable. Got a lot more impact. I like it!

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Posted: 6th May 2014 20:56
Is the start screen animated? Or just an image?


easter bunny
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Posted: 7th May 2014 03:18
Either way it's awesome!

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 12th May 2014 11:06
@digital awakening : thanks I'm happy you like it ^^

@Paronamixxe : for the moment, the start screen isn't animated, but it's on my todolist.

I have add my game on indieDb :

I think it's interesting to show that AppGameKit is a great tool and can be used to create good games ^^.

News screenshot( map 3 and 4) :
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 12th May 2014 12:01
Looking good I like the ground textures, lots of details.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 13th May 2014 10:20 Edited at: 13th May 2014 10:28
Very nice; I am looking forward to seeing the game in action. You should make some tutorials some day; or a little bit of a dev blog so people can learn some of your techniques.

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Posted: 13th May 2014 14:09 Edited at: 13th May 2014 14:18
This game looks really awesome. I would really like to play this one on a tablet.

Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 19th May 2014 17:30
Awesome work
Pro quality artwork.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2014 13:04 Edited at: 10th Jun 2014 14:16



UI, design :
- new map : 5, 6, 7
- new robots : we have 31 robots to destroy now

Gameplay :
- new : spells for the player (for the moment, there are 18 spells, which we unlock at some levels)
- xp button : we can win more Xp when we destroy a robot
- mana : we have mana to use our spells, we can upgrade the mana total, decrease the cost of mana (for a spell)


To upgrade the parameters of the player:

To upgrade the levels of the towers :

To upgrade the level of the spells

The succes :

The new map :


A first screencast video. The lagg is only because camstudio, the fps of the game is ok (60) on PC and android

Hope you like it .
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Posted: 10th Jun 2014 16:35
It's looking great. The only thing that stuck out for me is that when an enemy is destroyed he seems to disappear in a puff of smoke rather than explode. Maybe you should do a little work on the explosion gfx, make it look a little more like the enemy are blown to bits rather than just disappear. Superb looking artwork!
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Posted: 9th Jul 2014 10:09 Edited at: 9th Jul 2014 10:28
@BAxlash : it's on my todolist for version 1.2

For the moment, I'm working on the localisation (translation), and I'm looking for someone who would like to verify the English version, because I don't speak enhlish very well ^^.
Of course, I'm interested to have the others langages : Deutsh, Sapnish, italian, Russian, Chinese, Sweden, Brasilian, and any other langage .

Someone interested ?
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Posted: 9th Jul 2014 17:59
I can do a Swedish translation for you if you like!


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