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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Soaring Blue Jay - My first game created with AGK

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Joined: 1st Dec 2013
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posted: 27th Feb 2014 02:44

Thanks to everyone who has replied to my posts while I was learning AGK. I just published my first game to Google Play and it was amazingly easy to publish. I used AppGameKit Tier 2 and now in the next day I'm painfully gonna find out how to bring it into XCODE for the Apple App Store (have tried unsuccessfully with many errors). I hope this is easier than expected as I just purchased a new MacBook Air and paid $100 bucks to publish to IOS.

My game is pretty much a smoother, easier and more tasteful version of Flappy Birds with random rain and lightning. Check it out on Google Play from the link above and let me know how my first game worked out.

I hope to create many more and a special thanks to TGC for such an incredible product in AppGameKit!
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Joined: 4th Apr 2003
Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 28th Feb 2014 14:24
Great rendition of the current trend for these games. I like the fact I can score more than 2 before crashing out!

Check the newsletter in a couple of days time, there's a feature that may interest you

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Joined: 1st Dec 2013
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posted: 4th Mar 2014 23:45
BatVink - TGC Newsletter Editor

I was very grateful to see my game in the newsletter for March. Even more of a reason to love TGC and AGK. It was a shocker when I was scrolling down the newsletter and I did a double take and said holy **** theirs my game!

I will post a link for the Apple App Store when it gets out of review status(whenever that may be). I have also submitted it to the Amazon Store.

My new version will be ready shortly hopefully in time for the contest!

Thank You Again
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Joined: 1st Dec 2013
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posted: 4th Mar 2014 23:47
It will include levels, menu control for pausing, allowing weather, allowing sounds, etc. Also a friendly skill level selector to make game easier for children and people like me. (lol)

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