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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP] Colour Name Quiz Advance

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Location: Milton Keynes, UK
Posted: 4th Mar 2014 01:11 Edited at: 4th Mar 2014 01:38
Hello World

May I present to you, the latest offering from the Warriors of the Cucumber... Colour Name Quiz Advance

Although this is intended for release (for free with AdMob Ad\'s) on Android and iOS, here is a link to download the Windows version for you guys to try out.


It\'s showcasing my QuickUI include file (Based loosely around the Scripted UI I use in my Game Template, but a lot smaller, more app friendly), and is based on an idea from a friend of mine.

There are 2 main game modes, \"Against the Clock\" and \"Electrocution\", in both of these modes you can choose any of 3 difficulty levels.

Practice is to help you learn the colours, it asks the questions like normal, but if you get the answer wrong, it just hides the wrong answer. Easy and Hard are fairly obvious? lol

You can also select the type of questions asked (All one type, all the other type or a mixture of both), and the quantity of questions asked.

The last options are more specific, in Against the clock mode, you get to select the amount of time; and in Electrocution mode, where a wrong answer will damage your health bar, you get to set the voltage. The higher the voltage, the fewer questions you can answer incorrectly. before the game is over.

Known bugs:
Button release behaviour is broken. You can slide your finger from a pressed incorrect answer onto the correct one and then release and get it right. This is not desired behaviour.
Resized colour names are incorrectly positioned.
Scroller bar is incorrectly sized (Only noticed on Android)

I shall spend the next few weeks writing the trophy/statistics bit, before fixing any remaining bugs and hopefully having a final release.

Oh, and I like 30 seconds Against the clock, all Questions, mixed, on easy. This is my favourite way to play.

Let me know what you think, and thanks for looking

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Joined: 17th Mar 2003
Location: Milton Keynes, UK
Posted: 30th Mar 2014 17:36
I have almost finished the trophies section. Here are some screen shots of the trophy being locked, being awarded after a game, and then being unlocked and showing the next trophy's details.

It's taken slightly longer than expected (as these things always do), but I shall endeavour to have an updated beta up by the end of tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who has taken a look, I'm still after feed back as to the game settings you all prefer, please

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Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 31st Mar 2014 15:58
My personal opinion is that you should change 2 things :

Button style. It looks like like Windows XP at the moment.

Background colour. I can see that this is a game about colour, but the background. A linear colour gradient would be more modern. You should probably use a tool like this to make it look more aesthetically pleasing, especially as the app is about colours .

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Location: Milton Keynes, UK
Posted: 1st Apr 2014 00:34 Edited at: 1st Apr 2014 00:42

Hmm, I hadn't considered the buttons much, the're just the standard buttons I always use for everything pretty much (ever, lol, although I make them in Paint.Net now, it's more or less the same button I drew in Deluxe Paint II on the Amiga). In what way do they look "Windows XP"? The style? the colours? And in what way do you think I could improve them?

I'm actually well pleased with the background, it took me an fair while to get that working correctly at a reasonable fps on my low end test device. The colours are chosen at random on the menu, but during the game it's made up of the same 4 colours as the available answers.

I've whipped up a quick You Tube video to demonstrate the effect.

I'm not sure a gradient fill would have the same effect, and I'm loathed to resort to some Amiga style raster bars for the background.

Saying that, thanks for looking. I'm still working on the new Beta, sadly you can't play the original beta now as it has expired, but I will have the next one up in the next day or two.

The colours are also affected by the difficulty setting. On easy, the colours are picked at random, where as on Hard, the colours are picked from ranges (as shown in the 3rd picture in my 1st post), It's a lot harder to play in this mode, but is perhaps a little more aesthetic

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Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 1st Apr 2014 01:05
Ah, it looks much better animated, I thought it was just a static image. I like it

The buttons would be better in a style maybe like these...

or glossy...

This is what I mean by Windows XP (or even Win 95) buttons

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Location: Milton Keynes, UK
Posted: 1st Apr 2014 01:14 Edited at: 1st Apr 2014 01:16

Yeah, I guess I see what you mean, although I would have said my buttons were like the 1st example you give. The reason I go with the light/dark edges of the buttons is that it gives a convincing "press" animation when you rotate the image 180 degrees.

They also play a sound when you press and release them, they feel fairly solid.

I will have a mess around though with gradients and the buttons when I next get to a "polishing the graphics" bit

Anyway, I'd best go and try and get the beta finished. I'm just adding the finishing touches to the trophies, but I seem to have developed an annoying bug which is taking far too long to hunt down.

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