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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP] Crash & Drive - Top View Car Race (Ouya - Multiplayer)

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Joined: 8th Oct 2002
Posted: 10th Mar 2014 23:48

I´m a German programmer and want to show my actual project.

A Top View Racing Game for 1-4 Players designed for Ouya and playable with gamepad on your TV.
You can race alone or with your Friends.

The Goal is to win the Race
But, every time the car on the first place reach the border of the screen, the last player get a penalty.

Penalty means, the car lost power !

If the car crash into a wall or lost all power the player is out of the race.

When the Race is over, every driver win money. (dependent on the place at the end of race)
with this money the player can buy nice things, like boost or more power.

The First Finished Playable version will be Released in about 1-2 weeks.

When the game is finished, i want to add more different tiles with different styles like desert , snow , ice ...
Dark_ITheI _Angel
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Joined: 3rd Sep 2002
Posted: 11th Mar 2014 00:19
Ich liebe diese Art von Spiele! Makes me remember the old days on the Pay machines .
For sure you should make different places to race and i like the pics. A Video would be great to See it in motion. A smooth Drive would make it a Hit if you Know what i mean.

Nur weiter so!

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Joined: 8th Oct 2002
Posted: 11th Mar 2014 21:39 Edited at: 12th Mar 2014 00:19
Sorry for Bad quality, i recorded it with my mobile.

On Ouya it runs a bit smoother & faster with an higher resolution.

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