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Dark GDK .NET / Input not working in VB?

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Joined: 1st Sep 2008
Posted: 24th Mar 2014 02:14 Edited at: 24th Mar 2014 02:16
I just noticed and read here on the forum that the IO class doesn't work with VB.Net in combination with windows forms?

And I can confirm that. It doesn't do anything.

When will this be fixed?

Or do I just need to set up some special options for the form?
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Joined: 4th Nov 2013
Posted: 27th Mar 2014 17:33

I'm the one who posted the problem earlier and someone gave an answer. Unfortunately his method did not work either. I do not know the purpose of your game or application but in case you wanted to create a game with it: forget about it. My purpose was to develop a map editor which fit in my own needs and therefore the windows forms input event handles were more than enough for me but if you were planning to create a game: forget it. This is a internal bug within the IO class that just need to be fixed in the future. Right now there is not anything you can do about it..

I hope this helps you

Nothing to tell, really.

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