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Matty H
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Posted: 1st May 2014 01:21 Edited at: 5th Dec 2014 11:25
The Worm Game

App Store - The Worm Game

Google Play - The Worm Game

Jump your silkworm over 100 fences to complete The Worm Game Challenge

Jump over 100 fence posts to complete the worm game challenge. Many will try but only the best will succeed.

Unlock new worms as you get closer to completing the challenge.

You are a super silk worm. Tap the screen to fire your thread and swing yourself over the next post. Good timing is the key to success, fire the thread at the precise moment and only release when you have gained enough speed to clear the post.

Good luck,

Your challenge awaits!


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DBPro Master
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Posted: 1st May 2014 05:01
I played it and like the idea, but I had a lot of trouble getting it to grab the webs. I'd hit it a dozen times before it'd finally shoot a web.

easter bunny
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Posted: 1st May 2014 07:24 Edited at: 1st May 2014 07:27
As with Phaelax, I like the idea, but it has a couple of problems:
Shooting the web doesn't work every time (is there a reason for this? If so, you'll need to let users know why )
If you fix the web shooting, then the game would be quite easy, so level complexity would need to be increased

The gameplay has the potential to be really, really good But as it stands, it's more like average
Actually, I had been considering making a similar game as a competition entry, but never got around to it

Audacia Games - Facebook - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Matty H
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Posted: 1st May 2014 12:55
Thanks guys.

It is all about timing, the thread always shoots at a 45 degree angle and if you time it wrong then you missed. I was going for flappy bird difficulty and frustration

The fact that people think the game is broken somehow is a problem, there is a click sound when you miss but I think it gets drowned out in the music(drums).

I will change the click sound so it is more audible, which should help. Thanks for the input

AGK Developer
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Posted: 3rd May 2014 11:25
Hey Matty,

this looks great and good job for getting your entry done in time for the competition!

You have produced some nice artwork here!

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Posted: 6th May 2014 01:57
Those are some lovely graphics! To disperse any confusion over controls, consider including a simple graphic on the title screen to illustrate when the web must be shot without being too early or too late. Good luck! (I was not able to enter this competition, too busy of a schedule lately).
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Posted: 6th May 2014 12:28 Edited at: 6th May 2014 12:29
This is great, I love how he recoils back! Although as I play all my games on silent the click won't work for me. Why not just always shoot the thread (visually) and if you miss, then well, you miss... Simple as that.
Matty H
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Posted: 6th May 2014 13:51
Thanks everyone. I am no artist but have bought some tools recently and I am improving.

The thread now fires and misses giving a visual clue, good advice from my fellow forum folk, thanks

I plan to release free on ios very soon if you want to try the improved version, I will post here when it is released.

Matty H
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 14:04
The Worm game has just been released on the Apple App store:
App Store - The Worm Game

Get 100 points to complete the challenge, sounds easy?

I will update top post with more up to date details soon.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 14:53
Matty H, are you going to put this on the Google Play store too? If you managed to get this on iOS, you'll have absolutely no problems getting it on GP... Submitting apps to GP is a doddle in comparison...
Matty H
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 15:27
Yes, I will do Android version next. I have always had some trouble building for Android but never really spent too much time getting it setup.

Does anyone know what the best up to date guide for tier 2 Android distribution is? I know there are a few going around on here but it's been a while since I last looked at them, thanks.

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