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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Hardest Math Ever [Android WIP]

easter bunny
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Posted: 1st May 2014 07:06 Edited at: 30th Jun 2014 05:31
My newest WIP!

Solve each math problem, you have less than one second

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Hardest Math Ever

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Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
"When you've finished 90% of your game, you only have 90% left"
easter bunny
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Posted: 2nd May 2014 07:35 Edited at: 2nd May 2014 07:37
Feedback wanted

I'd really appreciate some feedback on my latest version. Could a few people please download and install the APK and let me know what you think about it?
You can find the latest alpha here: :: 7.5 Mbs

Please let me know what you think about:

Style (how well does it go with the game)
Execution of the style (ie. are the graphics any good )
Animation (what do you think about the page transitions, smoothness etc)

Music (you will probably find it very annoying, I'm probably going to use different music for the release)
SFX (How well do they go with the game?)

Game Play
Concept(what do you think about the whole idea behind the game?)
Understandability (is it easy to figure out how to play?)
Execution of the concept

Everything Else
What are your initial thoughts before you even play (name/icon/screens)?
What are your thoughts when you're first starting the game (after a couple of plays)
How do you feel about it after you're finished?
Any other comments? General feedback

I'd really appreciate any feedback I can get. Don't feel obliged to answer all of the above questions, just the one's you want to.


Notes: Rate and Leaderboard buttons aren't yet operational. Extreme and Wildstyle modes work, but you can't unlock them

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
"When you've finished 90% of your game, you only have 90% left"
easter bunny
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Posted: 5th May 2014 09:32 Edited at: 5th May 2014 09:35
So nobody has 10 minutes to spare?
At least Everything Else.Option(1)? ("What are your initial thoughts before you even play (name/icon/screens")?)

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
"When you've finished 90% of your game, you only have 90% left"
The Zoq2
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Posted: 5th May 2014 16:40
I might give it a shot later when I have the time. The graphics in the screenshots look pretty good though. The artstyle is clear and the colors seem to match really well

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Posted: 5th May 2014 21:26
I'll see if I can find time, but remember: reciprocation is helpful

Initial thoughts:
People in general hate math, so maybe there is a way to ease them into it rather than being up front with "Hardest Math Ever"?
Graphics are clean on the home screen, but just looks like boring text for the actual game. Maybe the numbers and operators could benefit from being in boxes or something to add a bit of style?
The bandaid seems out of place with the rest of the scheme. Plus it looks strange that you are covering the "t" in hardest.
I'd be a bit concerned about giving players initially only one second to answer. Maybe it will be more playable if the timer is reduced slowly as you answer more, ramping the difficulty.
I'd also think about ways to make this more interactive. Folks are really enjoying the simple match-2 slider style of 2048, maybe you can incorporate something like that instead of a simple yes/no scenario?

Just my initial thoughts. I'll see if I can actually test it out later. I'm still a bit busy with doing reviews for the contest and trying to update AGK's implementation of Facebook so that the sign-in process isn't duplicated when you post to wall...

easter bunny
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Posted: 6th May 2014 09:54
The Zoq2,

Thanks, I spent so long trying to find a colour scheme that would work. This is actually the first game which I've designed entirely from scratch. All of my others have been mixed up from existing graphics.


Thanks for the comments, the game is inspired by Hardest Game Ever which is what the bandaid is there for.

But I'll definitely check out some alternate designs and see what I can come up with.
As for the name, I'll look into a few different names.
Anyway, thanks heaps for the comments. I actually already downloaded Shape Time, but just hadn't gotten around to writing any comments on it. I'll do that ASAP.

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 6th May 2014 20:44
I just played through a few times. My best score was 4...
I just can't think fast enough for a 1 second time limit.
The graphics are nice and simple, I like that.
Re: the bandaid - I see the idea, but with Hardest Game Ever it is on a toon's face, so it makes more sense. I think if you had the bandaid a little smaller, didn't obscure the title, was maybe at the same angle as the title, and altered the color so that it was analogous to the rest of the color scheme it would be more fitting.

I think the timer bar at the top could be a little more apparent, but I'm not sure. There's a fine line between making it noticeable and making it distracting.

It's definitely a tough game. Unfortunately too difficult for me. My best suggestion is to ramp the timer so that people can at least get into the game.

I like the failure animation shake.

Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see the finished product!

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Posted: 6th May 2014 23:04
I agree with naphier, the time is way to short. I barley have time to read the text before it runs out. The idea of the time decreasing as you get further is a good idea. As I said before, I like the artstyle and the game feels pretty polished.

I also think the bandaid looks out of place. I see the point but I doubt many people will get the reference

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easter bunny
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Posted: 7th May 2014 02:26 Edited at: 7th May 2014 02:31
Ok, thanks guys.

I'll take a good long look at some alternate designs. As for the time, the idea is of course to make it extremely difficult, but obviously it must be playable. Practice mode has a much longer timer (about 5 second), but users might not come across it.
What do you think about having a dynamic timer? ie. time starts at one second, every time you run out of time, it gets a little bit longer, every time you get one correct, it gets a little bit shorter (but never less than 1 second, also depending exactly how quickly you answer it as to how much shorter it gets).

I think I'll probably leave the timer bar as it is. I definitely don't want users to get distracted I personally ever find the score a distraction sometimes, normally when my score's right up high and I want to know what it is , my best is 65 btw, just sayin'

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 7th May 2014 02:39
65 = lots of practice but yeah... my score's over 100 in Shape Time (still can't beat the wife, she topped out at 195...).

The dynamic timer is a neat idea, but how would that affect the game? I mean would you just continue to play without penalty if you miss? Or maybe each problem is a possible of 10pts and every time the timer runs out the max pts you can get from that problem is reduced by 1? Essentially it would be like a 10 second time limit and your score is equal to the integer of time left.

easter bunny
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Posted: 7th May 2014 03:14 Edited at: 7th May 2014 09:47
It would end the game when you make a mistake, but next time you would start with a longer timer.
I believe my high score on shape time is about 15

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
"When you've finished 90% of your game, you only have 90% left"
The Zoq2
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Posted: 7th May 2014 11:55
A dynamic timer that works like that sounds like it would fix the issue. But I still suggest starting at something easy and moving down towards 1 second. I think players want to be eased into the game and get "rewards" (higher difficulty) for doing well instead of being punished for not doing well. It will obviously stabelise at some point but new players will probably find the game more enjoyalbe

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easter bunny
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Posted: 8th May 2014 05:27
Ok, it's meant to have the addictive difficulty that Flappy Bird did, but obviously at a different target audience.
I'll have to look into it a bit more

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
"When you've finished 90% of your game, you only have 90% left"
easter bunny
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Posted: 22nd May 2014 23:57
And it's released!
5 star reviews are welcome

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 23rd May 2014 00:21
Downloaded and reviewed! Looking good!

easter bunny
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Posted: 29th May 2014 12:19
Thanks Naphier.

Made it to the Top New Paid Games!
Actually, it's not very hard I only got 2 installs

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 31st May 2014 13:07
I downloaded it and played it, it is definitely hard and addictive. I found sometimes that the buttons stick and my timer runs out. other than that it is a great little app.
Good work.

To Err is Human...
To Arr is Pirate!
easter bunny
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Posted: 7th Jun 2014 02:56 Edited at: 7th Jun 2014 02:57
Thanks Kezzla! Not sure what the problem might be with the sticking buttons though... What type of phone is it?

Hardest Math Ever Full has made it to position 22 on the Top New Paid List! The weird part is, I have no idea how! All the other games around there have at least 100 installs, most at least 1,000. HME has 10...

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
"When you've finished 90% of your game, you only have 90% left"
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Posted: 9th Jun 2014 07:37
Quote: "Thanks Kezzla! Not sure what the problem might be with the sticking buttons though... What type of phone is it?"

it is a Samsung Galaxy s3.

Congrats on your apps skyrocketing popularity!

To Err is Human...
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easter bunny
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 07:13 Edited at: 27th Jun 2014 07:21
And it's now on!
Get it here:

Obviously when they reviewed it, they thought it was good enough to give it the front page!

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
"When you've finished 90% of your game, you only have 90% left"
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 21:17

Ancient Lady

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