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Android / error in created AGK Player

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Posted: 24th May 2014 22:40 Edited at: 24th May 2014 22:41
I follow all steps AppGameKit to Android Video but when I create AppGameKit Player in eclipse show me 52 error and don't allow make AppGameKit Player.apk.

my errors:

Please Guide Me.
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Posted: 25th May 2014 06:12
Facebook library is not properly linked to the project. I have a full thorough guide of how to properly set all of this up under the most recent software. The link thread is in this forum.
the link to my site is:

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Posted: 27th May 2014 13:01 Edited at: 27th May 2014 13:02
Thanks Naphier.

I try your says but show me 4 error and can't run project:

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Posted: 27th May 2014 19:07
Make sure you've imported the FacebookSDK project into Eclipse. Run a Clean/Build on just that project.
Then you should be able to run a clean/build on your project. If not try right clicking your project and go to android tools menu selection and then try "Fix project properties."
If still not working then look at the directory C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\facebook\bin\
And make sure there is facebookSDK.jar in there. If not then check your AppGameKit installation for the jar file, maybe it didn't get copied?
The messages lead me to believe something didn't get copied from the AppGameKit installation directory to the new working directory.

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Posted: 27th May 2014 21:12 Edited at: 27th May 2014 21:15
Quote: "
Make sure you've imported the FacebookSDK project into Eclipse. Run a Clean/Build on just that project.
Then you should be able to run a clean/build on your project. If not try right clicking your project and go to android tools menu selection and then try "Fix project properties."

I try alredy and don't fix errors.
also Install AppGameKit Windows Installer v108.21 and there is no any bin Directory and there is no facebookSDK.jar.
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Posted: 27th May 2014 21:15
Well... that could be an issue! Very odd, but I vaguely recall something like this happening before.
I've attached my FacebookSDK project for you. You should just be able to replace yours with this in your working directory.


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Posted: 27th May 2014 21:37 Edited at: 27th May 2014 21:38
but I don't know why errors is not complete.

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Posted: 27th May 2014 21:43
Try clean/build on just the FacebookSDK first then do it for your project on its own after.
R not being resolved means that something happened in the build process and the R file wasn't automatically generated for some reason.
Once that is cleared up you might still have errors because it looks like you might be missing a step, but so many errors right now I can't tell.
Also when copying these errors it is best to only copy over the Red errors and not the yellow warnings. The yellow warnings can be ignored.

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Posted: 27th May 2014 22:37
Ok. the Problem relate to Android SDK and fixed. but sho me 1 error.

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Posted: 27th May 2014 22:49
Have you changed the package name in AndroidManifext.xml to your actual game's package?
In my guide it is Step 4, #5
You must change the package names to your package (for example: com.naplandgames.dfenz). There are only a couple of places to change.

Basically what happens is that when the app is built it first looks at the manifest file. In the manifest file it has to find the package names to create an file for each of the packages. If the package is not declared in the manifest it won't make the R file.
So either you don't have the manifest set up correctly, you didn't move to your package, or the import line for your package is not declared in
Since you still have a src/com/mycompany/myapp I must assume that you skipped over something in Step 4.

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Posted: 27th May 2014 22:59 Edited at: 27th May 2014 23:11
OK Thanks All error fixed.
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Posted: 27th May 2014 23:13
after install and running the game, close it. any idea?
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Posted: 27th May 2014 23:18
With the default AppGameKit set up you can try just calling the END command when you hit the back key and you're on your main menu. However, this will often lead to an error message on Android that says your app has unexpectedly closed. If you want to make it behave like all of the other Android apps you need to read my instructions on how to modify and the ShowMessage method/function. Then in AppGameKit Tier 1 you can just call Message("-1") when the back key is pressed and it will send the app to the background like all other apps.
Instructions for this are in my guide in the Advanced Topics section. It is a very easy modification and works very nicely because the app doesn't have to try to reload every time it is reopened.

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Posted: 28th May 2014 00:13
Thanks Naphier.

Now all things work very well.
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Posted: 28th May 2014 00:15
Cool! All the rest of the times are much easier after this!

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Posted: 28th May 2014 11:51 Edited at: 28th May 2014 13:21
Quote: "
Cool! All the rest of the times are much easier after this!

Yes, and Thanks again.

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