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Android / simulator path to apk - error on mac - no such file or directory

fallen one
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Posted: 31st May 2014 20:00
Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my file path or code, I opened terminal, and entered this below

/Users/fallenone/Applications/eclipse/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb install Users/fallenone/Documents/apk-test/master/TapTheNumbers/TapNumbers.apk

But I get error - No such file or directory

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 1st Jun 2014 01:17
It looks like you are missing the leading '/' in the path to the apk.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 1st Jun 2014 11:57 Edited at: 1st Jun 2014 11:58
Ive put '/' everyplace and its not working, here are my directories

Can you tell me please what the correct command is

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2014 06:08
Just plug in your android device via USB and copy the APK file over to it, like in the Downloads directory. Then open up a file browser like ES File Explorer and install the apk.
Sorry can't help with the command lines, I'm Mac illiterate

fallen one
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2014 11:33
Quote: "Just plug in your android devic"
I dont have an android device.

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2014 11:36 Edited at: 2nd Jun 2014 11:37
Then there's nothing to install an apk to and nothing to use ADB for... Are you trying to run an android device emulator through eclipse? If so do so through the Android Virtual Device manager, not terminal.

APK files are the packages that contain Android programs for android devices.

fallen one
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2014 14:22
Im trying to test an apk file. I can open the Android Virtual Device manager through Eclipse, but then what? there is no option to open apk files in Android Virtual Device manager, I dont have the projcet file, just the apk, I just want to test the apk file. How do I open the file in Android Virtual Device manager?

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2014 18:36
Click on the Run menu. Select Android Application. It should start up the Virtual Device Manager. If you don't have any Virtual Devices listed then make one.

fallen one
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2014 19:21
I know how to start the Virtual Device Manager, but once in the simulator, then how to tell it open this file here where my .apk file is?

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2014 19:37
First, watch the console window in eclipse and make sure it installs. It takes forever and a day. Next it should run automatically. If not then press the app tray icon on the virtual device's screen. This usually looks like a circle with dots in it at the bottom-center of the screen. That will show you all apps installed on the virtual device. Yours should be there. If not check the Eclipse console for errors.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2014 04:18
Quote: "Ive put '/' everyplace and its not working, here are my directories"

Not according to what you posted:

The missing '/' is between "install" and "Users/fallenone/".

But that is a moot point because you don't have an Android device connected for the adb command to work with.

And, unless the Apple version of Eclipse is better, the Android simulator doesn't work with AppGameKit (a known issue).

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2014 05:01
I've used the Eclipse simulator for AppGameKit quite a few times, tier 1 and the small tier 2 project I'm working on. It works fine it is just slow to load, but I leave it running so I don't have to reload it. What simulator were you using that it didn't work? Maybe try the Nexus 7 stock one? That's what I've always used. I'm also confused at how it couldn't work. It takes the same APK and runs it on a virtual device, the same APK you'd install or run through Eclipse.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2014 05:29
The one that comes with Eclipse. I could never get past waiting 15 or more minutes for it to load (I only have 16GB RAM on a quad-core PC, everything should load fast).

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2014 05:42
Depending on what APIs you have installed you should also have a variety of virtual devices to select from. Just timed loading the Nexus 7 virtual device on my AMD x6 with 16.0GB and it took 2 minutes. Slow, but AppGameKit compiler takes about 2 minutes to compile Wordspionage so I'm used to waiting I guess. I can't imagine how slow it might be on my Mac Mini with an i5 and... I've no idea how much RAM. Maybe some of the older virtual devices load even slower? You can also tweak the amount of RAM the virtual device is allocated and set it to save a system image to speed things up, but I've not had good luck messing with the RAM.

fallen one
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2014 15:59
Quote: "The missing '/' is between "install" and "Users/fallenone/".

But that is a moot point because you don't have an Android device connected for the adb command to work with."

what you sugested does not work, No such file or directory
Any suggestions on paths, please write exactly the code, rather than make suggestions, ive gone that route before and it never works.
Also I do have a android device, its the simulation of a galaxy2. (not a real phone) a simulated device from the virtual device manager.

Ive just made a request on a payed job board to get an answer to this.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2014 22:19
Running a terminal command line with "adb install" only works if you have a real Android device connected to your computer via USB.

You select RUN from the menu in Eclipse then select RUN AS ANDROID APPLICATION and the virtual device manager appears then you select your virtual device then launch it, wait a couple minutes. If the virtual device doesn't load then you've probably got some sort of file/folder permission issue. If it does and the console IN ECLIPSE says it can't install the APK then you've probably also got a file permission problem.

Once the virtual device is loaded and running the app should automatically load after you unlock the virtual device's lock screen. If it doesn't then the app icon can be found in the virtual device's app tray which is usually a circle with dots in it near the bottom of the screen.

Do not load the virtual device from the manager and try to manually run ADB from a terminal command it won't work.

You are asking for troubleshooting and will only receive suggestions from people because this method works for others. No one can give you an exact answer to your question without much more information and even then they still need to give you suggestions to try. Also your original question is extremely vague. If for some reason you're set on trying to use ADB then just try "your path to adb"/adb devices that will show you what devices are connected to adb. If none then that is expected because you don't have a real device connected to your machine!

If you're willing to pay for this information then that's up to you. You could also try StackExchange.

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