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2D All the way! / Copying but not "ripping" 2d tiles

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Posted: 9th Jun 2014 12:16
Hi everyone, I'm very new so i hope this wasn't asked before as I did look on google a long time ago and found everyone unhelpful on other forums.

Me and my friends are planning to make a mario-type game. Okay basically it's a clone but with extra abilities and physics. I know legally this is fine so far but here's my problem. I heard flappy bird got in trouble over the pipes that looked like mario's. We are planning to take the original tiles and "rip" them. then we will upscale them x4 and we will redraw them. I know this is legal so far but the redraws are going to look like a beefed up version of the original ones. Like there will be the same bricks in each block but they will look half cartoon and half realistic as we are trying to go for a "oil painting" look to the game. Are we okay or do you think we may be infringing copyrights?

Also, any advice on good free tools for drawing in this style will be great. We are using gimp and paint dot net right now since photoshop is too pricy.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2014 13:06
Sorry if i posted this in the wrong place. I'm new here. Could the administrator move this question if it is in the wrong place. Thanks and sorry,

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Van B
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Posted: 10th Jun 2014 16:44
Hi Wasp - this area is fine for any 2D questions or discussions, no need to move anything.

I think your on the right track with the graphics, thinking about Braid and the style in that, and it works really well.

For art packages, well I think there's 2 good options...

1) Paint Shop Pro 9. I got it for free from a website (legally), but I can never find it again. Anyway, it's like Photoshop before Photoshop got all bloated, like Photoshop 4 maybe. I like the way it works, it always feels more accurate to me, especially with pixel art. It's straightforward and should do anything you need.

2) ArtRage. This is a bit more organic and artistic - it's more like a painting simulator than and art package. When I got it, I got it for free with a Wacum Bamboo tablet, it's it's simply awesome with that, has a really good feel to it. Perhaps it would be a plan to look for the same thing - so you'd take your Mario tiles, and use them as guides in ArtRage, then you'd have this neat oil painted look to everything. I think it was only about £40 for the tablet and ArtRage, but if I was doing a project like yours that's the first thing I'd do - it's the best way to achieve the look you want, and isn't a huge investment. ArtRage isn't nearly as good with a mouse, you need to pressure sensitive pen to do it right. The thing I like about ArtRage the most, is that freely rotating canvas! - it's like being able to draw at the best possible angle all the time. Wacum tablets can be fiddly when you have to draw a line at a specific and weird angle - ArtRage lets you drag the canvas around and rotate it to mimic this and it makes a huge difference.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2014 17:44
Thanks for the advice Van B, that ArtRage one sounds good. My one friend (the main artist) is actually thinking about getting a tablet for drawing so i will definitely suggest that!

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