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Geek Culture / Should I change graphics cards?

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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 02:56
So I currently have a perfectly decent graphics card by today's standards but it does heat up quite a bit and is generally rather inefficient.

The card I am referring to is the AMD Radeon HD 6850 with 1GB of lovely GDDR5. Like I said, it adequately suits my needs aside from some past overheating issues, power consumption and the presence of only 1GB of video RAM. The card has served me a few years now and the surrounding climate of the computer has changed to an extent that I have to place my machine in a less-than-ideal spot in order to prevent the aforementioned heat problems.

So a potential new card has come to my attention, (nvidia GTX 750 TI 2GB GDDR5) And after sifting through the statistics, I'm not sure whether it is worthwhile shifting to this card that is better in some ways and worse in others or just stick it out with my current card.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 03:01 Edited at: 14th Jun 2014 03:02
Is that card 4 years old?
I'd recommend changing it up if you're planning to play any of the games coming out in 2014 - 2015 to be honest, my old GTX 780**(or.. I think that's what I had.. I cant even remember) couldnt handle most of the 2013 games in medium (BARELY medium settings was how I rolled..) and 1GB VRAM is quite MINIMUM to be able to even run most games that come out nowadays.
I'm sitting on a Radeon 280 R9 card on 2GB VRAM and it's doing quite nicely, i'd imagine a 750 TI to do quite fine the next few years

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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 03:32
My current card can run most modern games on medium to high. (With the occasional ultra setting here and there 'cause why not?) At somewhere in the region of 40-50fps, so I just cap it at 30.

The main thing that's making me indecisive is the apparent bandwidth issues of the 750 TI. Meaning that I would have to downgrade my resolution from 1080p to 900p or perhaps less. However the extra gigabyte of video RAM would do VERY nicely along with its high efficiency.

I would be willing to compromise on a little dip in resolution just so long as it's something reasonable, but I'm just concerned about other areas where my current card outperforms the 750 TI (in some cases the performance gap is worryingly large.)

Although I'm not that much of an expert in regards to more advanced graphics card terminology. Making it unclear of the implications that the shift will make in terms of downgrading.
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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 03:56
Quote: "but it does heat up quite a bit "

Clean out the fan and heatsink on it.

I'm assuming you meant for games when you said you'd have to decrease the resolution.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 11:24
Quote: "my old GTX 780**(or.. I think that's what I had.. I cant even remember)"

GTX 780 is one of the best cards nvidia cards out there, only the Titan and 780 TI are better. I have not found any games that don't run on max settings on my gtx 770 so them not doing it on a 780 sounds weird...

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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 14:06
then it was NOT a 780 ^^ It was a 3 year old Geforce card, and currently the name of it completly slips away >:

Whose eyes are those eyes?
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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 00:58
Quote: "Clean out the fan and heatsink on it."

The number of times I tell people that. I used to have a little paintbrush (soft-bristled) lying inside my case when I still had a tower. I kept everything clean, even the PSU innards. I miss towers in some ways. There was something therapeutic in dismantling, dusting and reassembling it while listening to a good CD.

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