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Geek Culture / Open Source (or free) alternative FM to Windows Explorer Urgently needed

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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 16:37
Hi all, sorry for stepping out of character (for the second time) before elections are over but this can't wait.
As most know, I've been running a Linux machine for quite a few years. It has spoiled me. I even installed VirtuaWin on my Win7 machine just to have multiple desktops. That brings me to my problem: Explorer will not behave with VirtuaWin. So, I need an alternative File Manager (FM) for Windows because I'm stuck on Windows for this project.

So, does anyone know of an alternative that has:
- A right-click context menu
- Handles MIME-types correctly
- Is preferably open source, but freeware will do.
- Isn't large in size.

Thanks in advance

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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 23:37

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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 23:47
I like Cubic Explorer and Explorer++.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 23:57
Thanks so much! I found a few older ones but they had little to no functionality. It drove me crazy.

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Posted: 18th Jun 2014 00:33
I use one at work that's pretty cool, but I forgot the name. I'll be at work in about 13 hours from now.

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Posted: 18th Jun 2014 20:04
Cubic Explorer looks awesome!!! Installing now!

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mr Handy
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Posted: 18th Jun 2014 20:24
Total Commander?

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Posted: 21st Jun 2014 14:07 Edited at: 21st Jun 2014 14:08
And to make things more linux-ish with virtual desktops:

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 14:24
I already haz t3h virtual deskies w/ VirtuaWin. Simple and light. Keybinds!!! But I had too many explorers on different desktops and VW crashed.

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Posted: 24th Jun 2014 13:52
Had a look a Total Commander. Good features but it's shareware (30 day trial) and while I can easily crack any mechanism I want, I wouldn't as I do have a wee bit a of a conscience. Also, I always prefer open source stuff (even paid-for OSS) because the scrutiny it falls under weeds out bugs and ensures less chance of malicious code. Cubic Explorer is great so far.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 02:56 Edited at: 25th Jun 2014 03:03
Quote: " while I can easily crack any mechanism I want"

Yeah, everyone knows how to use Google.

If I felt comfortable with it I'd give other file managers a try. I just feel that Windows isn't really designed in such a way that you can plug in 3rd party software in place of its core functionality. Obviously I'm wrong but that's just how it feels. I'd think every crash I had was due to Windows not liking a 3rd party FM.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 10:55
Quote: "Quote:" while I can easily crack any mechanism I want"

Yeah, everyone knows how to use Google."

If that were the case, I wouldn't do at least three virus removals to do per week and I wouldn't have seen half the stuffed-up systems I have that were owing to well-meaning users "fixing" their PC. A web search is a last resort and should be considered with care. People who just "google it" and follow some know-it-all, "elite haxxor"-blogger's advice are setting themselves up for a worse situation than they started with. Bottom line: no one should just be "Googling" it the same way one shouldn't perform heart surgery on their kid by following the steps they saw in the video on some guy's "Hw 2 do serjery on ur hart" blog. Oh, I use Ixquick, not Google because Google have done a lot of things I find disagreeable lately, Glass was the last straw.

Quote: "I just feel that Windows isn't really designed in such away that you can plug in 3rd party software in place of its core functionality."

I agree with you, it's not. That's why it's a frustrating OS. I don't intend to replace explorer completely, I just wanted another FM to browse my files with and it works great. Explorer was crashing on me because I had too many instances across multiple "desktops" and VirtuaWin was, obviously, the compatibility issue. So having another FM should solve it. I haven't replaced the full shell, although I'm considering Light Step when I have a chance to test it in a VM. "Tinkering" is in my nature. Maybe that's the real reason I like most GNU/Linux OSes.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 13:59
Giving a Linux user a Windows PC is the worst thing. After they try to turn the OS into something half of what Linux was, their PC becomes so full of crap software that it slows down to potato processing speed

Seriously, the most effective way to use Windows is to use it the way it was intended to be used. Windows was never designed for virtual desktops, custom file managers, 3D desktop effects, and especially wasn't designed for having a usable command line interface.

Just learn how to work with it the way it was intended and you're fine (for the most part).

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 20:28
Quote: "Giving a Linux user a Windows PC is the worst thing."

Giving a Linux PC a Windows user is the worst thing.

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Chris Tate
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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 23:02
hmm how about Free Commander

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 00:26
Looks good, will give it a whirl. Has some features that may replace some of my small utility apps.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 11:51
Why not just install a Linux windows manager on Windows?

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 20:01
Quote: "Why not just install a Linux windows manager on Windows? "

Would be great, but it's all working nicely so far so I think I shall leave it alone until it breaks again. That's the thing about Windows.

"I was in nASA before it was cool" -- Original nASA Members (nonZero, DJD and TheComet)

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