Writing to and reading from files is fairly straightforward. The important thing is to make sure you load the data in the same order you saved it in.
Assuming you're using regular DBPro commands, begin with
OPEN TO WRITE which opens a new file for saving info to...
Now all you have to do is decide what order to save everything in, and make sure your load routine does the same order.
When saving to the file:
WRITE FILE - writes an integer (whole) number/variable
WRITE FLOAT - writes a decimal number/variable
WRITE STRING - writes a string or string variable
When loading from file:
OPEN TO READ - opens a file
READ FILE - universal for reading into all variable types
When finished:
CLOSE FILE - self explanatory
That's about it for the basics, I think.
I can code a quick example using the different variable types if that would be helpful.