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iOS and MacOS / Orientation issues?

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Joined: 2nd Oct 2010
Location: St Petersburg, Florida
Posted: 29th Jun 2014 05:07 Edited at: 29th Jun 2014 05:42
Multiple people have brought to my attention that our game, Shape Time, on iPad allows rotation to landscape.
When we test on iPad 1, simulator, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 5, it only allows portrait and upside down portrait as expected.

Our T1 code uses SetOrientationAllowed(1,1,0,0)
The xCode settings are set for portrait and updside down portrait only (both iPad and iPhone).

Any idea what the issue is? This is insane!

Nevermind. Found yet another hidden setting in UntitledViewController.m that should force orientation. I guess SetOrientationAllowed is useless on iOS and Android. Not totally AGK's fault as it seems to work correctly most of the time.

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