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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Project SpaceGame [WIP]

AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 19:18 Edited at: 10th Jul 2014 13:10
Hello fellow forum-dwellers!

I would like to introduce my *unnamed* 2D space shooter!

The game is, in this pre-alpha state, very basic. However, what is there will give you a feel for the game. Hopefully you'll enjoy it too!

So why post it this early?... The name. Before I go to do even more work and finalize the game, I want a name. Since I myself am completely useless at coming up with any decent ones, I thought that I would upload the game in its current state for you to test. Both from a bugtesting/featuretesting point of view, but also to hopefully get some nice name suggestions? ? maybe? please!

Anyway, here's the link to download the game:*BUG FIXES*
Before you go ahead and write a post about it, you should read this: (kind of Q+A)


How to play:

If, whilst playing, you have an epiphany as to what name would suit the game, please let me know!

An image:

Thanks guys!

PS: The final version of the game will have bosses and 4 different difficulty enemies. At the moment you only face the easiest ones (green).


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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 21:12
A video would have been sufficient for getting an idea for a name (and more useful for pulling people in towards your game).

Have you tried some of the "name generator" websites? You can guide it to use certain types of words and just keep generating random ones until either you see something you like or you see something which would work as a better seed / starting word.

Did you generate the planet textures in code? I happen to be working with perlin functions at the moment, so curious.

AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 22:04
Sadly, no, they are just images!

I've used several different websites, to no avail. :/

I suppose a video might have been sufficient, although I think I'll wait till I've got some more "meat on the bones" (for lack of a better phrase ) before I start doing that.


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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 14:52 Edited at: 7th Jul 2014 15:33

I\'m glad that there is at least a single person in existence that is willing to take my advice

I think you are right about NOT releasing a video yet. You\'ll probably be best suited to wait until all the bells (for whomever they may toll) and whistles are in place. That would probably maximize the visual appeal, and keep you from wasting development time on something that'll only be temporary.

Feedback on the demo coming soon...

Dude! You're really on to something! I can see this being a blast!

I can REALLY appreciate the custom ship element. I don't know the full extent to which I may go as far as offering critiques, BUT ... 37MB!?!?

You may want to handle that sooner rather than later. I was curious, so I snooped around to discover the cause of such a large project. You have some VERY large planets there. Perhaps you should AT LEAST reduce those to 1024*1024 ... For a good read (if you haven't done so already), you should check out "Development Tips" in the AppGameKit help files that came with your copy. I learned A LOT!

... Did you do all the artwork yourself?

|,,|, (Dead Knot Broken) ,|,,|
AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 16:56
Sadly, but truly (geddit? ) most of the assets are not mine no. And as for the large project size, a lot of the assets in the media folder are not currently in use, however, it's too early to remove the unused assets as I may need them later on. The planets are big, yes, although I'm not really keen on making them any smaller. In-game, they are quite large, and minimizing the image would compromise the quality. We'll see.

I'm really glad you enjoyed it! The custom ship element, I think, is definitely going to add a whole load of gameplay aspects, especially the acquisition of them... No more on that till later on

Please! Just tell me everything! What don't you like? What do you like? What names would be suitable?

Thanks again!


AGK Bronze Backer
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Posted: 9th Jul 2014 18:49
Just thought that I would let you guys that I've done a LOAD of bug fixes etc, so here's the download to the slightly more stable new version:


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