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iOS and MacOS / iOS newbie nerves

Jambo B
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Posted: 4th Aug 2014 20:25

I'd like to publish for iOS on the App Store. I have an iPad mini, and considering a MacBook Air:

[href= ] [/href]

Question is, would this computer and the iPad (+apple developer account) allow me to test and publish my apps with AppGameKit, or are there some gotchas I'm missing? Looking at a previous post, it looks like I need to make sure I have an Intel processor.

Sorry for this newbie-type post, and thanks for any advice.

Jambo B
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Posted: 4th Aug 2014 20:41
Replying to myself here (first sign of madness, I know).

Looks like you can download XCode for free. Does that mean I can develop my app now, and only pay the $99 developer fee when I'm ready to publish it?

Questions, questions - sorry again!

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Posted: 5th Aug 2014 16:25
You don't need a developer license to work on your app. I'm not 100% sure you'll be able to install the game on your device without a certificate, but I think you can.
You'll at the very least be able to run the app in the iOS simulators that come with XCode.
Yes, XCode is free.
A Macbook Air should be fine. I use a Mac Mini with an i5 processor, pretty low end machine ($500). The simulators work well for everything except IAP.

Jambo B
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Posted: 5th Aug 2014 21:01
Naphier - thanks very much for the advice. I think I'll look into a Mac Mini instead of the Macbook: no point spending extra cash, is there?

Thanks again,

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Posted: 5th Aug 2014 22:47
Nope, especially on one of those things...soooo expensive! Got mine refurbished on eBay. Nice deal.

Jambo B
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Posted: 5th Aug 2014 23:10
My apologies, but here's another quick question - I work in a school and qualify for an Apple education discount. Do you know whether I can still use the mac to develop commercial apps? Wonder whether the mac's serial number is embedded in the code somewhere.



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Posted: 5th Aug 2014 23:39
Can't say I really know that one.
It'd be pretty insane if Apple is tracking serial numbers of Macs that were sold under an educational discount and then suing if they're used for commercial use. And on that note, if you work at an educational institution as staff or teacher and use it in your office you are using the Mac for a commercial purpose unless they're such jerks that they actually differentiate educational vs. commercial in their EULA for the Mac. But it is Apple.

I'd just get a refurbished one, I can't imagine you can get a discount on a Mac Mini that will get the price down to $500.

Jambo B
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Posted: 5th Aug 2014 23:44
Thanks again

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 7th Aug 2014 04:47
And you do need the iOS Developer License to test on iOS devices.

The Mac Mini is just fine for development (and gives you the most flexibility about your peripherals).

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 12th Aug 2014 20:13
Thanks again, Naphier and Ancient Lady for your advice. Just posting a followup in case anyone else is worried about this...

I contacted Apple themselves, and there are no restrictions on what you can use Macs bought under the education pricing for. Publishing software commercially is fine.

FYI, I've gone for a Mac Mini!


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Posted: 12th Aug 2014 20:39
Glad they aren't that crazy, but they're so controlling I wouldn't have been surprised.
Mac Mini is pretty decent, plenty good for developing. I test my games in the simulators that come with XCode and pretty much everything with AppGameKit works through they (not IAP). If you are doing IAP be aware that you will need to provide Apple with screenshots of the IAP dialogue in your game. If you don't have an iOS device I'll gladly help you out with it.
Also, setting up the Mac environment for xcode can be a bit of a pain , not actually as bad as android, but different challenges. If you have problems we can help!

Jambo B
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Posted: 19th Aug 2014 16:37
HOORAY! It works!

Got my app running on the IPad simulator on the mac. Blimey, there are lots of options. Finally got it to work using a combination of Ancient Lady's tutorial and the info on TGC's site.

After the build, XCode has 15 warnings. Should I worry about these or shut my eyes and look the other way?

At the moment, the plan is to get my app somewhere near finished (it's a simple one, and I'm about half way there), then sign up for a dev account with Apple so that I can test it on the IPad itself.


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Posted: 19th Aug 2014 18:57
Jambo B
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Posted: 20th Aug 2014 00:18

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